Longevity Medical Institute eBook

´ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme Disease: HBOT alleviates fatigue and pain by enhancing mitochondrial function, reducing inflammation, and supporting detoxification pathways.

´ Anti-Aging and Longevity: HBOT promotes cellular regeneration, boosts s k in health, and enhances cognitive function, ma k ing it a powerful tool for anti - aging and overall vitality.

To explore the scienti fi c evidence supporting our treatments, including HB OT, visit our Research Studies Library for a comprehensive collection of studies.

Oxygen Supplementation Therapy:

Our unique approach includes oxygen supplementation during regenerative therapies, optimizing the environment for cellular repair and regeneration.

Plasma Exchange Therapy (Plasmapheresis): This advanced treatment removes harmful antibodies and proteins from your blood, promoting immune system reset and reducing inflammation. Plasmapheresis is extremely effective in treating autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, long COVID, and blood disorders. Ozone (O3) Therapy: Ozone Therapy is an innovative, non-invasive treatment that uses medical-grade ozone to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. This therapy has been widely recognized for its ability to improve oxygen delivery, enhance immune function, and reduce inflammation. This makes it particularly effective for regenerative and anti-aging treatments.


Longevity Medical Institute

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