Dr. Sandra Steingraber (middle) at a NYAF Rally. Photo by Jessica Riehl
A central concern with fracking was the risk of contamination to New York City’s drinking water , which is famously clean and comes from upstate springs. At the time, we knew that the fluid in fracking was a cocktail of tox- ic chemicals, salt, sand, and water, much of which returns to the surface further contaminated and must be disposed of. We knew that leaks, spills, explosions, and fracking itself jeopardized local waterways or groundwater sources that communities depend on for drinking water. Between 2005 and 2009, 14 oil and gas companies injected un- derground 10.2 million gallons of fluids containing known or sus- pected carcinogens and 30 million gallons of diesel fuel, which contains the carcinogen benzene.
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