Milestones in the Nationwide Fight Against
NOVEMBER Food & Water Watch and al- lies launch the Pennsylvanians Against Fracking coalition.
Global Frackdown 2014 events in Bulgaria, Morocco, Peru, and Long Beach, NY.
SEPTEMBER Food & Water Watch spearheads the first Global Frackdown, a day of action that includes over 200 events across 20 countries. DECEMBER Americans Against Fracking launches with 100 organizations nationwide, including Food & Water Watch.
DECEMBER Governor Cuomo’s adminis- tration announces a statewide fracking ban for New York!
OCTOBER The largest Global Frackdown boasts more than 300 events in over 30 countries, representing every continent.
Americans Against Fracking delivers over 650,000 comments to ban fracking on federal lands in 2013.
MAY Maryland passes a two-and-a-half- year moratorium on fracking. NOVEMBER Senator Jeff Merkley introduces the “Keep It in the Ground Act” to end federal fossil fuel leases on public lands and water, followed by a House version in 2016.
MAY Californians Against Fracking launch- es with more than 100 organizations for a statewide ban.
Food & Water Watch joins allies to call on then-California Governor Jerry Brown to ban fracking as he heads to the Paris Climate Conference in 2015.
People Power vs. Fracking 56
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