RFP 2023 500 Blue Hills Ski Concession - Final

2. PROGRAMMING, PRODUCTS & SERVICES; PRICING a. The Permittee shall provide to DCR’s Office of Long Term Permits and Leases (“LTPL”) a full list of products and programs to be offered to the general public on the Premises, including but not limited to food, beverages, and other regularly scheduled offerings, including rate sheets by May 1 each season. b. DCR shall have the right to object to products or the character of services or a particular scope of deliverance. If the Permittee wishes to provide any new products, service or new particular scope or type of deliverance, it shall submit a written request for prior approval from LTPL. In approving or denying said request, DCR shall take into consideration the public interest.

c. The sale, distribution, advertisement, or display of alcoholic beverages, cannabis, cigarettes and other tobacco-related products, gambling or lottery games or tickets on the Premises is prohibited.

d. The Permittee shall recognize the interest of DCR in assuring that consistently high-quality services and merchandize are available to the public at reasonable prices. Pricing shall not exceed average market prices for like goods and services and is subject to the approval and oversight of DCR. e. Fees, rates, additional charges, and discount details must be made clear to patrons in all signage. Any discount rate and validation agreements with third parties should be submitted to LTPL for prior approval. The Permittee shall post notice of any changes to fees, rates, charges, and discounts for patrons and provide LTPL with such information prior to instituting new fees, rates, or charges.

f. The Permittee shall only use environmentally compatible, biodegradable serving products. The Permittee shall not serve, sell or distribute items that cause undue litter.

g. Consistent with Massachusetts Executive Order No. 619, DCR encourages the Permittee to consider practices that will reduce the use of single-use plastic bottles such as the sale of beverages in environmentally preferable packaging (i.e., paper cartons or aluminum cans).

h. Serving counters shall not be used for the open display of food and other products (excluding napkins, condiments, salt and pepper) and shall be kept clear and clean.

i. At the request of DCR, the Permittee shall provide a bulletin board near the serving window and allocate space for advertising DCR facilities, programs, and events.

j. No public address system amplified sound or signs, or amusement, video, electronic or coin- operated games or machines shall be permitted on the Premises without the prior approval of DCR.

k. All deliveries shall be made in such a manner as to have the least practicable impact on the public.

l. No entertainment (bands, movies, dances, fundraisers, etc.) event shall be held without prior written notice to LTPL, approval from DCR in writing and proof of proper permits from applicable local authorities.


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