RFP 2023 500 Blue Hills Ski Concession - Final

of the mountain. One building (newer in age) houses a complete rental shop and first aid treatment area. The second main building (older in age, hereinafter the “Lodge”) contains a full service cafeteria and seating area, ski and snowboard shop, lift ticket sale windows and office space (second (2nd) floor). Auxiliary buildings include, one (1) first aid patrol “staging and warm - up” building (no running water) and one fixed structure with two (2) garage bays. There is one main parking area located below but adjacent to the two main aforementioned buildings with approximately one hundred (100) parking spaces. There is a smaller parking area near the second main area that may be used for staff or visitors with extra accessibility needs. There is a Park ‘n’ Rid e lot owned by the Commonwealth that is used by patrons and visitors in the winter. The current licensee transports visitors from that lot to the ski area. The licensee shall be responsible for all associated equipment needed to maintain the ski, activity and concession operations on the Premises as designated by DCR’s Region Director and other authorized staff as designated by the Commissioner. The licensee must maintain the lifts and all snow making equipment including obtaining all local and state safety, food, entertainment and other permits or licenses. Blue Hills Ski Area currently has five (5) lifts: one (1) double chair lift; two (2) wire tows; one (1) carpet and one (1) carousel lift. Most of the lift components and related equipment are not owned by the Commonwealth. All snow making equipment is the property of the current ski area concessionaire- licensee. The licensee must provide all necessary equipment for its proposed operation. The licensee may make arrangements with the current ski area concessionaire-licensee to obtain any equipment, supplies, etc., not owned by the Commonwealth. The licensee shall have the right to replace lifts and snow making equipment with equal or better quality equipment at its own cost. The applicable Park Supervisor or DCR Manager may reserve the right to designate the specific concession locations. The licensee shall comply with all requests of authorized DCR staff concerning placement of the ski operation and concession equipment. The licensee shall be responsible for security of the Premises and for the necessary replacement of any DCR equipment located therein. Any construction or improvements shall be proposed by the licensee and properly planned with DCR and executed only after receipt of written approval of the Commissioner of DCR and applicable DCR departments (engineering, planning, legal, etc.), the Department of Public Safety, and in certain cases, the Town of Canton.

The following are the totals from last season 2022-2023 (as provided by the current operator): • season passes sold:

Total Season Passes including Racing Season Passes: 1757

Total Season Passes excluding Racing Season Passes: 974

• daily passes sold:

• Total Daily Passes including Racing Daily Passes 33656 • Total Daily Passes excluding Racing Daily Passes 33046 • lessons sold:

• Total Daily Lessons Sold (Group and Private Lessons): 2286 • Multi-Day Programs:

• 627 Junior Programs that are with Recreation Groups, 5 day program


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