FY'26 Budget Document (December 10, 2024)

Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Wellesley Public Schools

Wellesley Public Schools continue to position Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as a cornerstone of our strategic plan. Through the collaborative efforts of key WPS departments, including Teaching & Learning, Human Resources, Finance and Operations, Student Services, and METCO, we maintain our unwavering focus on this district-wide commitment. Our approach integrates DEI principles across all operations, reinforcing that educational equity is a shared responsibility that directly supports academic excellence for all students. WPS is committed to fostering a systemic shared understanding that educational equity is everyone's responsibility, encouraging active participation in our DEI initiatives. Strategic Priorities 1. Ensuring High-Expectations Teaching and Learning for All Students 2. Supporting and Strengthening our Workforce/ High-Quality Professional Learning In conclusion, we continue to evaluate and refine all district processes, policies, systems, and structures to ensure educational equitable outcomes by design. Our budgeting approach embeds DEI considerations across all operational areas, reflecting our community's sustained commitment and unwavering focus on educational equity.

Significant Changes to the FY’25 Adjusted Budget by Category: Changes to the FY’25 Adjusted Budget are divided into three categories:

Level Service: a budget that supports providing the same standard of service as in the prior fiscal year. Under this definition, line items would increase or decrease depending on changes in need, such as enrollment increases or decreases or contract changes, but not to provide a higher level of service to meet existing needs. Strategic Priorities: a budget that supports one of the four strategies of the district’s strategic priorities: 1.) Ensuring High Expectations Teaching and Learning for All Students 2.) Supporting and Strengthening our Workforce / High Quality Professional Learning 3.) Building Community Partnerships and Enhancing Engagement 4.) Improving Facilities and Optimizing Resources Other Critical Needs: a budget that supports additional changes not reflected in Level Service or Strategic Priorities that are critical to the district’s operation.

Level Service (Salary and Other Compensation): School

Salary and Other Compensation Changes Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (Hardy)







Districtwide Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA)




Districtwide Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) Dept. Stipend




Districtwide School Adjustment Counselor




Districtwide School Psychologist




Districtwide School Psychologist Dept. Stipend



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