FY'26 Budget Document (December 10, 2024)

Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget

PreK – Out of District Team Chair / BCBA: 0.80 FTE Teach Chair / 0.2 FTE BCBA This position focuses on in-district student observation and consultation in addition to out-of-district case consultation, observation, evaluation, and team support. Given the realignment of the Student Services department, the district-wide BCBA position is being reclassified as an OOD team chair and BCBA to better reflect the departmental need and current duties. The School Resource Nurse is currently a 0.6 FTE funded through the general fund (0.315 FTE) and Comprehensive School Health grant (0.285 FTE). The district anticipates the Department of Public Health will return the Comprehensive School Health grant to the pre-COVID funding level for Wellesley in FY’26 – a loss of $24,500. Even if the funding level is maintained in FY’26, the grant restricts a permanent position to be funded through the grant. School Resource Nurse: +0.29 FTE School Resource Nurse Van Drivers: -4.00 FTE Van Drivers Historically, the District has been unable to fill van driver positions. The district has expanded their recruitment, increased hourly pay rates, and evaluated the benefit package for drivers. These recruitment efforts have not resulted in new van drivers for the district. These positions were eliminated in FY’25 after the adoption of the Adjusted Budget was voted and will remain unfilled in the school year 2025-2026.

Level Service (Expense): School

Program / Expense Description



Math: Consolidate Prof. Devel. in Teaching and Learning (Conf/Mtgs – Admin.)



Science: Consolidate Prof. Devel. in Teaching and Learning (Conf/Mtgs – Admin.)



World Lang.: Consolidate Prof. Devel. in Teaching and Learning (Conf/Mtgs – Admin.)



Literacy: Consolidate Prof. Devel. in Teaching and Learning (Conf/Mtgs – Admin.)



Art: Consolidate Prof. Devel. in Teaching and Learning (Conf/Mtgs – Admin.)



Fitness: Consolidate Prof. Devel. in Teaching and Learning (Conf/Mtgs – Admin.)



Library: Consolidate Prof. Devel. in Teaching and Learning (Conf/Mtgs – Admin.)



Perf. Arts: Consolidate Prof. Devel. in Teaching and Learning (Travel – Mileage)



Perf. Arts: Consolidate Prof. Devel. in Teaching and Learning (Conf/Mtgs – Admin.)



Perf. Arts: Consolidate Prof. Devel. in Teaching and Learning (Conf/Mtgs – Profess.)



Consolidate Prof. Devel. in Teaching and Learning (Conf/Mtgs – Profess.)



Information Technology: Districtwide Software Licenses



Consolidate Prof. Development in Student Services (Conf/Mtgs – Profess.)



Special Education: Software Licenses



Special Education Tutoring (Salary to Contracted Services)



Science Elementary: Software Licenses (Redistributed Gizmo Licenses K-12)


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