FY'26 Budget Document (December 10, 2024)

Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget

 Language-Based programs meet the needs of students with average to above average cognitive profiles experiencing significant delays in the acquisition of literacy and/or math skills due to a language-based learning disability. In FY’25, there are approximately 33 students being served in these programs. (Schofield, Middle, and High)  Integrated Specialized Services (ISS) programs meet the needs of students whose disabilities cross developmental domains. In FY’25, there are approximately 22 students being served in these programs. (Sprague, Middle)  Therapeutic Learning Center (TLC) programs meet the needs of students with average to above-average cognitive profiles who present with challenges in the emotional/social/behavioral domains. In FY’25, there are approximately 70 students being served in these programs. (Hunnewell, Middle, High).  Elementary and Middle School Skills programs meet the needs of students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and related disabilities. In FY’25, there are approximately 39 students being served in these programs. (Hardy, Middle)  Gateways is a therapeutic support program for students who are experiencing challenges managing the academic, social, and emotional demands of high school. In FY’25, there are approximately 27 students being served in this program. (High)  Cornerstones is a therapeutic program designed to assist students with social and emotional challenges. The Cornerstones program provides a range of services with a flexible inclusion component. English and Math classes are offered within the program for students who require that level of intervention. Students receive intensive mental health support both individually and within the group setting. In FY’25, there are approximately 10 students being served in this program. (High)  Secondary Skills is a combination of ISS and Skills students entering High School from Middle School. The program is highly individualized so that students can receive their related services, receive small group instruction, as well as participate in as many general education classes as appropriate. In FY’25, there are approximately 16 students being served in this program. (High)  Launch is a program designed to meet the needs of students who are in or approaching the range in age of 18-22. Students within this program have disabilities that include autism spectrum disorder, significant language processing impairment, intellectual impairment, physical impairment, sensory impairment, or other disability categories that significantly impact more than one developmental domain. The program provides the opportunity for students to enhance skills and facilitate the transition to life beyond age 22. In FY’25, there are approximately 6 students being served in this program. (Wellesley Community Center) Wellesley’s financial return on investment on these in-district programs is an estimated cost savings of $16.6M. This amount is calculated by developing a cost for each in-house program based on current staffing levels. Based on the individual student’s needs, a likely state approved school is identified and the FY’26 cost is factored into the equation. The differential is approximately $9.3M with the anticipated Circuit Breaker reimbursement.

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