Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget
Special Revenue Funds: State Grants Below is a description of the information provided for all state grant funds: Name of State Grant Fund Code: XXXX
FY’25 Award Amount Grant Manager: Person who is responsible for the management of the grant
Purpose: The purpose of the grant is described in this section. Often this is the description provided by the awarding agency.
State Grant Name of Grant
FY’22 Award
FY’23 Award
FY’24 Award
FY’25 Award
State Grant Award Amount for FY’22 – FY’25
A description of how the grant funds will be used in Wellesley.
Munis Fund Code:
Fund Code Appropriate to Source of Funds Organization Code Assigned to the State Grant State Appropriation Account Number
Munis Organization Code:
Funding Type:
Awarding Agency
Within the Special Revenue Fund: Grants, after the Federal Grant Fund narratives, is a spreadsheet that details the expenditures by fiscal year. When state grant funds are not fully expended, the narrative will reflect the award amount, and the spreadsheet will reflect actual expenditures that are less than the award. In addition, the spreadsheet provides expected FY’26 award amounts and the uses of these expected funds.
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