FY'26 Budget Document (December 10, 2024)

Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Special Ed.

Fund Code: 240 $1,204,636 Grant Manager: Dr. Kathleen Bernklow, Director of Student Services

Purpose: Within the articulated priority of Results-Driven Accountability by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs, the purpose of this federal special education entitlement grant program is to provide funds to ensure that eligible students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education that includes special education and related services designed

to meet their individual needs.

Federal Grant

FY’22 Award $1,209,157

FY’23 Award $1,139,203

FY’24 Award $1,229,901 $919,113 $19,746 $1,501,780

FY’25 Award $1,204,636


Carryforward Year 2 20 Carryforward Year 3 Expended by Fiscal Year










In Wellesley, Special Education IDEA grants funds are primarily used to fund teaching assistants and special education paraprofessionals/behavioral technicians who provide academic and behavioral supports to students on individual education programs (IEP) under the direct supervision of a licensed teacher and/or administrator. Other items funded through the grant include consultants who provide both direct services (speech and language, occupational and physical therapy, occupational and mobility, and psychological) and professional development. As the recipient of Federal Special Education Entitlement funds, Wellesley is required to calculate the proportionate share 21 of funds that must be made available if one or more eligible students are placed in a private school or home schooled.

Munis Fund Code:


Munis Organization Code:

2532-6991 84.027A

Federal CFDA 22 :


U.S. Department of Education, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

20 Based on the Tydings Amendment, the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows grantees to carryover for one additional year any Federal education funds that were not obligated in the period for which they were appropriated. For grants that are forward-funded, grantees can have up to 27 months to obligate appropriated funds beginning as early as July 1 of the Federal fiscal year. (U.S. Department of Education Monitoring Grant Award Lapsed Funds Control Number ED-OIG/A04-D0015) 21 To meet the requirements of IDEA , every year each Local Education Agency (LEA) must expend a proportionate share of federal IDEA funds on equitable services for parentally placed private school children with disabilities. 22 CFDA: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

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