Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget
All revolving funds are evaluated on the criteria above. In FY’26, the formula will be:
1. Average revenue receipts in FY’22, FY’23 and FY’24. COVID significantly impacted FY’20 and FY’21 so these years are not included in the calculations. 2. The average revenue for the three years is broken into a 4-month and a 6-month recommended low and high fund balance level. 3. A rating of A: Fund Balance at Target to E: Fund Balance in Deficit is determined based on the criteria above. The FY’25 evaluation level is included in each narrative. The review of the revolving funds continues to highlight the degree to which families pay fees for students to engage in a range of both academic and enrichment programs. In 2016, the Superintendent created a Fee Task Force to examine the burden on parents. The goal then and now is to reduce and/or eliminate fees. With this long-standing goal, the district has reduced the following fees:
1. Student Activity Fees – eliminated in fiscal year 2022 2. Visual Art Fees – eliminated in fiscal year 2022 3. Transportation Fees – reduced by $221 (currently at $300) since fiscal year 2022
Although the goal is to eliminate the transportation fee over time, the district was unable to make further reductions in fiscal year 2026. The FY’26 Budget contains a tuition increase:
1. Increase the tuition rate for the Child Lab from $6,600/year to $6,750/year.
The FY’26 Budget includes a proposed tuition rate increase of $150 per child raising tuition from $6,600 per year to $6,750 per year. The tuition rate increase will cover contractual salary increases and related program expenses. This increase will raise the daily rate (at an expected 161-day year) to $41.93 per child, far less than other childcare programs. The following pages provide an explanation and financial status of the major revolving funds maintained by the district. All balances are as of June 30 th in each fiscal year with a projection for the FY’26 year-end balance.
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