FY'26 Budget Document (December 10, 2024)

Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget

NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM (NSLP) (Fund 0022) Director/Program Coordinator:

Director of Accounting and Business Services

Program Description:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), through its Food and Nutrition Service administers the program at the Federal level. At the State level, the NSLP is administered by the MA DESE, which operates the program through agreements with local school districts. School districts that choose to take part in the lunch program receive cash reimbursement and donated commodity assistance from USDA for each meal they serve. In return, they must serve lunches that meet Federal nutrition requirements, and they must offer free and reduced-price lunches to eligible children. Following the success of free meals during COVID-19, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts opted to permanently fund free meals in FY’24. This has eliminated meal cost for families except for a la carte, separate beverages, and second meal charges which continue to be the financial responsibilities of the families. Interest earned is maintained in the fund and not turned over to the Town’s General Fund. The MA DESE recommends maintaining a fund balance enough to operate the NSLP for three months

Fee Structure:

Fund Restrictions:

Food Services

FY’22 Actual FY’23 Actual FY’24 Actual

FY’25 Proj.

FY’26 Proj.

Beg. Balance







Federal Reimbursements State Reimbursement Supply Chain Grant


$628,089 $1,131,458 $1,054,303

$1,100,000 $650,000


$595,881 $120,085 $513,895 $16,025







Local Receipts Catering/Vending

$424,373 $17,180

$565,498 $14,121

$500,696 $24,000

$575,000 $27,500



$1,643,565 $1,900,704 $2,247,544 $2,097,319


Ending Balance $560,335 Whitson’s Culinary Groups will serve as Wellesley Food Service Management Company (FSMC) through the school year 2024-2025, subject to an annual renewal. With the current contract expiring on June 30, 2024 the district will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to select the food service management company who will service Wellesley Public Schools in school year 2025-2026 through school year 2030-2031 $418,363 $391,634 $401,155 $457,835

State Authorization: Munis Fund Code:

M.G.L. Chapter 548 of the Acts of 1948, as amended by Chapter 650 § 1969


Munis Organization Code:

2203-xxxx: Revenue 2231-xxxx: Expense

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