Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget
Teacher’s Retirement System (MTRS). MTRS costs are reported at the state level and are not paid by the Town of Wellesley. The contributory retirement pension costs for non-DESE licensed employees is carried in the Town of Wellesley’s Retirement budget. Insurance for Active School Employees: The insurance related expenses for active school department employees after deducting employee contributions and assessments. The allocation for health insurance includes insurance related to school-based custodians who report to the FMD and support the schools. The schools are assessed a portion of the total Medicare tax and workers’ compensation expenses based on a percent of total town payroll. The current allocation of costs to the schools is 68.43% of the town total. Expenses related to group health insurance and unemployment compensation are based on actual costs related to school personnel. These costs are carried in the Town of Wellesley’s Group Insurance budget. Insurance for Retired School Employees: The health insurance premiums for retired school department employees after deducting any retiree contributions and assessments. The expenses carried in this account includes an actual accounting of retired school employee costs. These costs are carried in the Town of Wellesley’s Group Insurance budget. Non-Employee Insurance: The direct insurance premiums for school buildings, vehicles, equipment, and liability coverage. Our insurance agency, Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association, provides the breakout for the schools. These costs are carried in the Town of Wellesley’s Risk Management budget. School Crossing Guards: The costs associated with school crossing guards. These costs are carried in the Town of Wellesley’s Special School Police budget. Purchase of Land & Buildings: The costs associated with the MSBA project at the Upham / Hardy Schools (7100 and 7200 code). These costs are carried in the Town of Wellesley’s Capital budget. Long- and Short-Term Debt: The principal (8100 code) and interest (8200 code) payments related to school construction projects. These costs are carried in the Town of Wellesley’s Capital budget. School Choice: Tuition payments related to school choice are calculated by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and sent to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) and deducted from our Chapter 70 payment. DESE populates this field on the end of year report. The assessment made by the state is based on Wellesley resident children who enroll in a participating school choice district. As noted on the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s web site, “Under the school choice law, M.G.L. c.76, § 12B, as amended in 1993, all school districts in Massachusetts are presumed to participate in and to admit non-resident students through school choice. A receiving district can withdraw from school choice only if a school committee holds a public hearing on this issue and then votes to withdraw from the school choice program prior to June 1 st (M.G.L. c. 76, § 12B(d)).” On May 21, 2024, the Wellesley School Committee voted not to participate in School Choice for the school year 2024-2025.
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