FY'26 Budget Document (December 10, 2024)

Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget

Internal Control Structure

The policies and procedures established by management to ensure the integrity and comprehensiveness of the data collected by the accounting system for use in internal and external financial reports, as well as the overall control environment in which the government operates.

Levy The amount a community raises through the property tax. The levy can be any amount up to the levy limit, which is re-established every year in accordance with Proposition 2½ provisions. Levy Ceiling A levy ceiling is one of two types of levy (tax) restrictions imposed by MGL Ch. 59 §21C (Proposition 2½). It states that, in any year, the real and personal property taxes imposed may not exceed 2½ percent of the total full and fair cash value of all taxable property. Property taxes levied may exceed this limit only if the community passes a capital exclusion, a debt exclusion, or a special exclusion. Levy Limit A levy limit is one of two types of levy (tax) restrictions imposed by MGL Ch. 59 §21C (Proposition 2½). It states that the real and personal property taxes imposed by a city or town may only grow each year by 2½ percent of the prior year's levy limit, plus new growth and any overrides or exclusions. The levy limit can exceed the levy ceiling only if the community passes a capital expenditure exclusion, debt exclusion, or special exclusion. Line-Item Budget A budget that separates spending into categories, or greater detail, such as supplies, equipment, maintenance, or salaries, as opposed to a program budget. Line-Item Transfer The reallocation of a budget appropriation between two line-items within an expenditure category (i.e., salaries, expenses). Employed as a management tool, line- item transfer authority allows department heads to move money to where a need arises for a similar purpose and without altering the bottom line. Whether or not line- item transfers are permitted depends on how the budget is presented (i.e., format) and what level of budget detail town meeting believes it is approving. Local Aid Revenue allocated by the Commonwealth to cities, towns, and regional school districts. Estimates of local aid are transmitted to cities, towns, and districts annually by the "Cherry Sheet." Most Cherry Sheet aid programs are considered general fund revenues and may be spent for any purpose, subject to appropriation.

Local Education Agency

The local school district i.e., Wellesley Public Schools, often abbreviated as LEA. (US DOE)

Local Receipts Locally generated revenues, other than real and personal property taxes. Examples include motor vehicle excise, investment income, hotel/motel tax, fees, rentals, and charges. Annual estimates of local receipts are shown on the tax rate recapitulation sheet.

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