FY'26 Budget Document (December 10, 2024)

Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget

Low Income Student A student enrolled for full time attendance in a public school who is eligible for free or reduced cost lunches under eligibility guidelines set by the federal government under 42 USC 1758. (MA DESE)

Maintenance Budget

A no-growth budget that continues appropriations for programs and services at their current year levels. The actual appropriation to maintain programs and services may still increase due to inflation or other factors. A certification and designation program for public officials responsible for municipal procurements in Massachusetts. The Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations is the district’s Chief Procurement Officer and holds the MCPPO certification. Administers the state program that reimburses cities, towns, and regional school districts varying percentages of their school construction costs depending on the community’s or district’s wealth and the category of reimbursement.

Mass. Certified Public Procurement Official (MCPPO)

Mass. School Building Authority (MSBA)

Membership The number of days a pupil is enrolled, divided by the number of days in the school year. The Department may apportion a pupil's membership across the various programs in which the pupil participated. (MA DESE)

McKinney-Vento Services

A student who is homeless as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act's definition of "homeless children and youth," 42 USC 11434(a)(2). (MA DESE)

MGL Laws passed by the Massachusetts legislature. The Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) is organized by chapters with multiple sections in each chapter. Currently there are 282 chapters.

Minimum Required Local Contribution Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting

The minimum that a city or town must appropriate from property taxes and other local revenues for the support of schools (Education Reform Act of 1993). A method of accounting that recognizes revenues in the accounting period in which they become available and measurable.

MRGF An estimate of the percentage changes in a municipality's revenue growth factor (MRGF) for a fiscal year. It represents the combined percentage increase in the following revenue components: automatic 2½ percent increase in the levy limit, estimated new growth, the change in selected unrestricted state aid categories, and the change in selected unrestricted local receipts (Education Reform Act of 1993). NSS School budget and municipal budget amounts attributable to education, excluding long-term debt service, student transportation, school lunches and certain other specified school expenditures. A community’s Net School Spending (NSS) funding must equal or exceed the NSS Requirement established annually by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MA DESE) (Education Reform Act of 1993).

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