Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget
determine the number of parentally placed private school children with disabilities attending private schools located in the LEA. (US DOE)
Proposition 2 ½ State law enacted in 1980 that regulates local property tax administration. Major provisions of this legislation are in MGL Ch 59 - Assessment of Local Taxes § 21C and relate to the determination of a levy limit and levy ceiling for each town.
Purchase Order An official document or form authorizing the purchase of products and services.
Qualified Educator An educator who has met all requirements to earn a state license or certification in the area they are assigned to teach. Receipts Money collected by and within the control of a community from any source and for any purpose.
Reimbursement Funds received by a school district or municipality from the state or federal
government or from a private insurer as partial or total repayment of a cost incurred by the district or municipality to provide a particular education related service to a particular student or students, but not including any amounts which are included in the state school aid which a district or municipality receives under M.G.L. c. 70. (MA DESE) Data required by the Department to determine compliance, calculate tuition payments, aid, or reimbursements, or meet state or federal mandates. Required data shall be maintained in accordance with 603 CMR 10.00 and Department guidelines and provided to the Department in a form or through an electronic data transfer method established by the Department. (MA DESE)
Reporting Requirements
Requisition Form used by the requesting department when ordering products and services from external vendors. This document generates a Purchase Order. Revolving Fund Allows a community to raise revenues from a specific service and use those revenues without appropriation to support the service. For departmental revolving funds, MGL Ch. 44 §53E½ stipulates that each fund must be re-authorized each year at annual town meeting or by city council action, and that a limit on the total amount that may be spent from each fund must be established at that time. The aggregate of all revolving funds may not exceed ten percent of the amount raised by taxation by the city or town in the most recent fiscal year, and no more than one percent of the amount raised by taxation may be administered by a single fund. Wages or salaries for full-time employees may be paid from the revolving fund only if the fund is also charged for all associated fringe benefits. School Choice A program that allows a parent to enroll his or her child in a school district that is not the child's home district. Every year the school committee in each school district decides whether it will accept new enrollments under this program and, if so, in what grades. (MA DESE)
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