Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget
The most significant impact is related to position reductions based on expected enrollment. With an overall reduction of 8 students projected in SY’25-26, the FY’26 Budget includes the following enrollment-based reductions: Grade Level FTE Impact Cost Impact Elementary Classrooms 0.00 $0 Wellesley Middle School (3.00) ($254,982) Wellesley High School (3.80) ($301,213) FY’26 Impact (6.80) ($556,195) In addition to these classroom teacher reductions, there are additional personnel changes because of the projected enrollment for school year 2025-2026. These personnel changes include an additional 0.20 FTE Librarian at Sprague; an elementary Math Specialist reduction (-1.00 FTE) resulting in two (2) specialists per elementary building; and a School Counselor reduction (-0.50 FTE) at the middle school. With these additional enrollment-based personnel changes, the total FTE impact is a reduction of 8.10 with a financial reduction of ($668,998). These reductions are included in the “Level Service” category. Base salary increases are $3,517,027 or 3.86% increase over FY’25. With these large base salary increases, the enrollment-based savings are difficult to identify. This table provides the expected financial and FTE impact of these reductions. Salary Schedules The Wellesley Educators Association (WEA) represents staff members in Unit A which include classroom teachers, professional support, and school nurses. In Wellesley, as in most Massachusetts public schools, the system of “steps and lane” has been used to recognize experience (step) and educational accomplishment (lane). When a teacher is hired, compensation is based on the number of years of teaching experience (step), as well as the level of college or post-college training achieved (lane). Under the terms of the present contract, there are sixteen (16) steps and four (4) lanes for members of WEA Unit A. Each year, a teacher advances to the next salary step until they reach the top step, thereby receiving a pre- determined salary increase. Teachers who have attained a higher educational level by earning enough credits and have notified the Superintendent’s Office of their intent to advance to a higher educational level by November 1 of the prior school year, receive a “lane” increase. Over time the steps have been equalized at a 4.17% increase for Steps 1 through 16. Teachers who change lanes receive an increase according to the level of the new degree. A lane advancement from bachelor’s to master’s is worth an additional 10.25% increase in compensation; from Master’s to Master’s + 30 is worth 7.72%, and from Master’s + 30 to Master’s + 60 / Doctorate is worth 7.00%. 1 Under the current teacher contract, teachers who have completed 20 years of teaching in Wellesley (which also necessarily means they are on the top step) receive an annual longevity payment of $3,692 or 3% of their base salary, whichever is less. Additional stipends are paid to teachers for responsibilities such as coaching a sport, running a student club, serving as a curriculum grade level or team leader, and others.
1 Once a degree has been obtained, a teacher and/or nurse can take additional graduate level courses and apply the credits earned toward salary advancement, known as a lane change. Regardless of the number of credits required to earn the terminal degree (Bachelors of Masters), a degree is a degree. Additional graduate level course credits are counted toward a lane change.
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