Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget
Librarian at Sprague; an elementary Math Specialist (-1.00 FTE) resulting in two (2) specialists per elementary building; and a School Counselor reduction (-0.50 FTE) at the middle school. With these additional enrollment- based personnel changes, the total FTE impact is a reduction of 8.10 with an overall financial reduction of ($668,998). These reductions are included in the “Level Service” category. Base salary increases are $3,517,027 or 3.86% increase over FY’25. With these large base salary increases, the enrollment-based savings are difficult to identify. This table provides the expected financial and FTE impact of these changes. Enrollment is monitored on a weekly basis. Once SY’25-26 enrollment opens for registration, the district will report enrollment variances to the School Committee throughout the late spring/early summer and make staffing/section changes as appropriate. Wellesley birth data, as reported by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MA DPH), demonstrates the declining trend on the number of live births for the Town of Wellesley. Below is a brief history of the birth data:
Birth Year
Wellesley Live Births
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
220 209 220 208 175 165 198 165 196 200
Birth data is tracked each year as part of the annual enrollment report as it is an indicator for enrollment in kindergarten five (5) years later. On an annual basis, the district prepares and submits the School Attending Report 1 to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MA DESE). This report cross-references the town census data with the school student information system to determine the number of students who are school aged and do not attend Wellesley Public Schools. Below is a summary of the last thirteen (13 years):
1 The School Attending Report includes the following data elements: Local Public Schools, Academic Regional, Vocational/Technical, Collaboratives, Charter Schools, Out-of-District Public Schools, Home Schooled, In State Private and Parochial Schools and Out-of-State Private and Parochial Schools.
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