FY'26 Budget Document (December 10, 2024)

Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget

As this table indicates, the per pupil expenditure for Wellesley is consistently in the top half of our comparable communities. These costs are driven by a competitive salary for all staff; a broad range of course offerings to support all students; successful in-district special education programs across the age 3-22 continuum; and collaboration with the Town on joint services. The rank shown above is based on the table data not statewide data. Comparable community data is described in more detail in the Informational Section.

Additional comparable data can be found in other data sources, included but not limited to:

 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MA DESE) o Spending Comparisons: https://www.doe.mass.edu/finance/statistics/

o Chapter 70 Program: https://www.doe.mass.edu/finance/chapter70/default.html o Circuit Breaker: https://www.doe.mass.edu/finance/circuitbreaker/default.html o Data and Accountability Data: https://www.doe.mass.edu/DataAccountability.html

 Clear Gov:

o https://cleargov.com/massachusetts/school/wellesley

 Massachusetts Department of Revenue, Division of Local Services o https://www.mass.gov/orgs/division-of-local-services

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