Wellesley Public Schools: Fiscal Year 2026 Budget
Program Fee Schedule
Wellesley Public Schools has relied on fees to offset the operating costs related to participation in sports, optional busing, and student parking. The fees offset material costs, stipends, and equipment. The program fee schedule included provides the following information: Name: This field may include the department where the fee is collected (i.e. Athletics) and the reason for the fee (Middle School Sports) Org: The organization code that corresponds to the Revolving Fund where the funds are deposited. Additional information about these funds can be found in the Financial Section under Special Revenue: Revolving Funds.
Object: The object code that corresponds to the revenue account.
Grades: When the fee corresponds to a particular grade level(s), they are noted in this column.
FY’25: This column provides the fee amount charged to participants in school year 2024-2025 or fiscal year 2025. FY’26: This column provides the anticipated fee amount to be charged to participants for school year 2025-2026 or fiscal year 2026. Per: This column notes the frequency of the fee. For instance, athletic fees are charged per sport while the bus fees are charged annually.
Annual # Students: The estimated number of participants in school year 2024-2025.
FY’24 Actual: The actual revenue received from fees in fiscal year 2024.
FY’25 Estimated: The anticipated revenue to be received from fees in fiscal year 2025. In 2016, the Superintendent created a Fee Task Force to examine the burden on parents. The goal then and now is to reduce and/or eliminate fees. With this long-standing goal, the district has reduced the following fees:
1. Student Activity Fees – eliminated in fiscal year 2022 2. Visual Art Fees – eliminated in fiscal year 2022 3. Transportation Fees – reduced by $221 (current rate $300) since fiscal year 2022
In fiscal year 2026, the district was unable to make further reductions to the transportation fee. Our goal remains the elimination of the transportation fee over the next few years.
The following tables provide the FY’26 program fees schedule for next year.
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