
THE DEAN'S MESSAGE This catalog is being sent to you because of a definite interest which you have manifested in The Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Therefore, will you take this message and this catalog as a personal invitation to "come and see" that which may be found here by way of definite training and inspira­ tional fellowship. The greatest need of today is the training of young people for the leadership of tomorrow. The Bible Institute is dedicated to this task, which will su re ly come upon the youth of the world in the years that lie ahead. If you desire to enter the gospel ministry or the foreign missionary field, if you desire a teaching ministry in the home field, if you desire a more thorough knowledge of the Word of God, if you de­ sire Chri stian fellowship of the highest order, if you des ire opportunities for study and practice unex­ celled in any other place of study, then consider The Bible Institute of Los Angeles as your school home for the next few years. May the Lord guide


you as you prepare for His service.

De a n

Cordially yours in Christ,


LIFE PURPOSE "Commit thy works unto Jehovah , and thy purposes shall be established. "

-Proverbs 16:3 R.V.

"Clear perception and strong conviction will lead to definite usefulness ." "O matchless honor, all unsought, High privilege, surpassing thought That thou shouldst call us, Lord, to be Linked in work-fellowship with thee."-OLIVE B. TAYLOR. LIFE INVESTMENT "A man 's gift maketh room for him , and bringeth him before great men. " ln other words , there are open doors of service for young people who are prepared. Some young Christians are anxious to get into service before they are fully equipped, and thus fall short of the maximum of life's usefulness and the glory of God 's perfect plan. We mai ntain at Biola a tra ining school for Christian workers with an emphasis upon the One Book. Through this training, young people are fitted for definite Christian service at home or abroad.-WALTER R. HALE. SPIRITUAL GROWTH "But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. " II Peter 3.18. The Bible Institute affords an opportunity for the spiritual growth and development of the Christian life: in the classroom through a study of the Word of God; in the dormitory by appropriating the precious lesson s taught. Living together presents many opportunities for developing Christian graces. Here love , patience , and kindness are daily demonstrated. -Matilda BOEHMER.



MATI LDA BO EHMER Superintendent of Womer

Registarand Secretory of Faculty

Superintendent of Men

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