
TUITION There is no charge for tuition except in the case of private music lessons, voice and piano. Those desiring to pursue work along these lines wi ll be referred to the Music office for assignment to one of our Music Instructors, whose charges for private lessons are reasonable, and to whom. the student makes payment direct. REGISTRATION FEE There is a registration fee of $10.00 each semester, payable on registration day before the student's class schedule is made out. The Cashier's receipt must be pre­ sented to the Registrar. No fee is refunded in case of a student leaving before the end of a semester. The registration fee takes care of such expe nses as the maintenance of the Student Employment Bureau, Hospital Fund and the service of the School Nurse in cases not requiring hospital care. Where the student must go to a hos­ pital, the Fund will defray the charge for room and board in one of the best hospitals in the city, to an amount not exceeding $80.00. This does not include physicians' fees, charges for surgica l operations, ambu lance service, or medicines. Maternity cases, or illness due to chronic conditions existing and not taken care of before enteri ng the Instit ute, or acc id ents due to carelessness or recklessness, will not entitle a st udent to the privileges of the Fund. In case of an epidemic the Fund will be used as far as it will go, when a further contribution will be necesssary. EXPENSE OF ROOM AND BOARD The present rate for room and board for si ng le rooms is $9.25 a week, payable in advance, for room and board ( two in a room) is $7.75 each per week, payable in advance. Owing to the uncertainty of market conditions, this rate is subject to change from time to time. The Institute aims to charge students only the actual cost for board and room. The rooms in the Institute are comfortably furnished, lighted, heated and sup­ plied with running wate r, hot and cold. The Institute supplies the linens and launders the same . Students take care of their rooms. Excellent table board is pro­ vided in the Institute dining room. EMPLOYMENT AND FINANCIAL AID Students entering for the first time must have sufficient funds to carry them through at least the first semester, approximately $160 .00 for board and room. Pro­ vision should also be made for personal expenditures beyond this amount. For the benefit of students needing some help in defraying their expenses, the In­ stitu te maintains a Student Employment Bureau, through which many studen ts are placed in positions for part time wo rk. Many students can give two or three hours a day to remunerative employment in stores and restaurants, and by careful ly budget­ ing their time can mainta in their standi ng in classes. Where considerable time is necessary in employment the student may be required to take a reduced sched ul e and thus prolong his time of study at the Institute before g raduation. Definite regulations regarding hours of employment will be found rn the Stu- dents' Handbook.


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