
The book of Daniel, and Reve lation a rc dea lt with from the standpoint of exposition. 141-2. Bible Exegesis. Two hours a week-Fourth Year. Exegesis-fr om the Greek verb mean ing "to lead the way out"-suggcs ts the real purpose of thi s s tudy as being the di scove ry from the o ri g inal wo rds of th e text itself the primary meaning under the Spirit o f God of the words g iven by divine in spirati on. It is not imposing on the text any man's conception of truth, but end eavo ring to draw out from th e text itse lf that concept ion whi ch the Spi rit of God inten ds to convey. At tention is g iven to th e meaning of individual words by the li ght t hrown upon them from the original languages. The shorter Epist les, such as J ohn , Peter, James, Phi lip­ pians, are dealt wi th in this cour se. (May alternate with- 131-2.)


221-2. Beginners' N. T. Greek. Four hour s a week throughout th e Second Ycar. While some men, on account of age and lack of previous education, en ter the mini st ry with out knowing New Testament Greek and often do exce llent work, it is well fo r yo ung men who can do so to take that sub j ect. A conscient ious student, under proper ins tructi on, can in two yea rs lay the fou nda ti on of a working kn ow ledge of th e lan guage in wh ich the New Testament was wr itt en. Attent ion is g iven to th e s tudy of the language fr om the sta ndpoint of g ramma r and syntax. 235-6. Beginners' Hebrew. Three hour s a week through out th e Third Yca r. An intensive study of H eb rew Grammar and acquisit ion o f a ·wo rking vocabulary. Translation of selected port ions of Genesis a nd the hi s tori ca l books . Exercises in H ebrew prose composition. 231 -2, 241-2. Greek Exegesis. Two hours a week Third and F ourth Yea rs. At tention is given to an exege tical study of different portion s of th e New T estament. 245 -6. Hebrew Syntax and Exegesis. Two hour s a week throughout the Fourth Year. Review of g ramma r a nd intensive st udy of Hebrew syn tax . Tra nsla tion of se lected portions of the hi stor ica l and prophetical books. Ca r e ful study of specia l prob lems in in te rpretation and exegesis.


3 12. Bibl e Geography, Manners and Customs. T wo hour s a week, Second Semester, Firs t Year. A know ledge of the geog raphy of th e countries conce rn ed, a nd of the manner s and cus toms prevai ling, often thr ows important li ght upon a given passage o f Sc riptur e. The purpose of thi s study is to give such a backg round , to revea l th e t rue setting of any given passage. 3 14. Biblical Introduction. Two hour s a week, Second Semeste r, F ir st Year. T he object of this cour se is to so acq ua int th e st ud ent with certa in simp le facts concerning the Bibl e as a book: The names and divi sions of the var ious books; the history of th e Bible, especi a lly the translation s, etc. Some attent ion is given to th e Apoc ryphal books and to the Inter-Tes tam ent period. 321. Evidences and Criticism. Two hour s a week, First Semeste r, Second Year. Th ese subjects include evidences that the Bibl e is the Word of God, as well as of the hi storic ity of J esus of Nazareth as th e Chri st of God. Reference is made to such evi dences as come from the monumen ts, from proph ecies, fr om the hi sto ry of th e Book, its relati on to other books, an d also th e proof through personal experience that the Bible is th e Word of God. · 323. Typology. Two hou r s a week, First Semester, Second Year. A comprehen­ sive st udy of the Tabernacle in it s typ ica l signi fica nce in relation to th e pl an o f Sa lvati on is made, as well as a study of oth er types used in the Sc riptures. , 334. Bible and Science. Two hour s a week, Second Semeste r , Second Year. There is no con fl ict between tru e science and the Bible. The purpose of this course is to show that " ther e is no fact of sc ience that contradi cts any statemen t of Scripture. S ince the Creator of the uni ve rse is the a uth or of the sacred Scriptures, there can be no conflict between the two." This course is des igned to show the ha rmony which exists between science and the Bibl e. 14

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