
341. Inspiration. Two hou r s a week, First Semester, Fourth Year. This cour se offers a mos t comprehensive study o f the g reat Doctrine of th e Bibl e as the Inspired Word of God and the only in fa lli ble rul e of fai th and practice a s set forth in A rticl e I of Th e B ibl e I nstitute of Los Angeles, Inc. S tatement of fa ith, as set fo r th in thi s catal ogue. 342. Archaeology. Two hours a week, Second Semeste r, Fou r th Year. In thi s cour se the evidences of A rchaeo logy as verifyin g Scr ip tur e Hi story a nd claims is set fo rth. Through it is presented External ev iden ce to the credibility of th e Sc riptures . GROUP IV THEOLOGY ( Nos . 400-499) 411-12. Bible Doctrine. (I, II ). Required in a ll courses . Two hou rs a week throughout th e First Year. 421-22. Bible Doctrine. ( IH, IV.) Requ ir ed in a ll co ur ses. Two hour s a week through out the Seco nd Yea r. 433. Doctrine. (V. ) One hour a week, F ir st Semester , T hi rd Year. Th e purpose of this course is to acqua in t the s tud ent with the great doc trina l truth of Chri stianity as r evealed in th e Scrip tures of th e Old and New T estament s. The tex t­ book is the Eng li sh Bible. As far as possible, the inducti ve method of study is em­ ployed, the s tudent bei ng requir ed to consider th ose passages bear ing upon a particul a r subj ect with a view toward formu lating a sta tement of th e tru th as taught in th e Scriptures. T he cour se cover s two and one half yea rs and includes a study of the doc­ trine of God, of Jesus Christ, of th e Holy Spi rit, of Angels, of Man, of Sin, of Salva­ tion, of the Kingdom, of th e Church, and of the Last Things , together with their related truths. Thi s co urse pr epa res the way for further studi es in systematic theo logy fo r those electing it. 431-2. Systematic Theology. ( I, II. ) T wo hours a week throughout the Third Year for st uden ts in Cour se VII. Thi s implies .th e gatheri ng together of all th a t the Scriptures teach with regar d to our belief and conduct , and presentin g a ll the elements thus involved in a symmetrica l system. It thus suggests a ve ry definite plan and sys tem by whi ch the doctrines set fo r th in Scriptur e are conside red. 441-2. Systematic Theo logy. (III, I V.) Two hour s a week throughou t the Fourth Year. A continuation o f the work begun in the Third Yea r. 445. Prophecy. Two hours a week, F irs t Semes ter, Fourth Year. The unique characte r of Sc ri pture as r eveal ed in th e pr edictive element of p rophet ic wri ting, written centu ri es befo re the predicted events took place, is made the basi s of study in thi s course . Th e exact fulfillment of such prophetic utte rances is in explicabl e apart from Divi ne A uthor shi p. GROUP V HI STORY ( Nos . 500-599) 522. Landmarks of Church History. Two hour s a week, Second Semeste r, Second Ycar. Req uir ed of all stud ents. Thi s is a brief survey of the outstand ing points of church h isto ry, intended to familia ri ze one with the g reat epochs of church hi sto ry and to lay th e foundat ion for a broader study of the subj ect. 531-2. Church History. Two hours a week th roughout th e T hird Year. Th e first part of the book is covered. 534. 546. Dispensational History. Two hou rs a week, Second Semes ter, Third o r Fou rth Year. The g reat epoch s of biblica l hi story are stud ied in a di spensat iona l survey of th e sac red Scr iptur es. T hrough thi s st udy th e ai m is to seek God's program fo r Hi s peopl e as un folded in Scr ipture. 541-2. Church History. Two hou r s a week th roughout the Fourth Year. A continuation of the work begun in the Third Year. 543-4. History of Doctrine. Two hour s a week throughout the Fourth Year.


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