
This course deals with the question of missionary admini st rati on, qualifications of the mi ss ionary candidate, methods and poli cies of wo rk on the field, the r ela ti on of the missionary to var ious cla sses of individuals, self-suppo r t of nat ive church es, and othe r such prob lems of ve ry practical bearing on the missionary program fo r world evan­ geli zat ion. 842. Phonet ics. T wo hou r s a week, Second Semeste r , Fourth Ycar. Thi s subjec t deals wit h the science of the a rti cul ate sounds of human speech. Th e soun ds of English speech ar e fi rs t analyzed, then the speech sounds peculiar to mi ss ion land s are inves ti gated and analyzed. Th e student is taught how to classi fy unfamiliar speech sounds in orde r that th ey may be accurate ly r eproduced a nd properly recorded. No st udy is of more v ita l importance to the missionary candidate for foreign servi ce than to master th e course in P honet ics. 843-4. History of Christian Missions. Two hours a week, First Semester and Sec­ ond Semester, Fourth Ycar. In the First Semeste r th e course dea ls with the history of the missionary movement from a postol ic days onwa rd . During th e Second Semes ter the work i s continued, with time pe rmittin g for th e study of some of the great miss iona ry biograph ies.

GROUP MVIII MEDICAL MISSIONS (Nos. M840-M899} M840. Obstetrics. One hour a week. Second Semes ter.

Ana tomy of the pe lvis; A na tomy and physiology of fema le reproductive o rgans; Signs, symptoms and diagnos is of pregnancy; Ai lments of pregnancy; Norma l and ab­ normal deli very; Puerperal ca re; Care of the newbo rn child; Obstet r ica l operat ions, forceps , ve rsion ext rac ti on, Caesarean sect ion, pub iotomy, perineal tea r, etc. M841. Anatomy and Physiology. Three hours a week, Firs t Semeste r, Fourth Year . T he textbook, "Anatomy and Physiology," by Kimbe r and Gray. Being a basic st udy and laying fou ndations fo r a more comp lete knowledge of the human body, th is course i s extended throughout th e yea r. Skeletons and manikins a re used to illustrate the subjects taught. M842. D iseases of the Eye. One hour a week, Second Semester . Diseases of the eyelid s, conjunctiva, iris and lachryma l glands arc care fu lly ex­ plained, and t r eatment is out lined. M843. Minor Surgery. Two hours a week, First Semes ter. Lectures and demonstrations comp ri sing up-to-elate methods of first aid, manage­ ment and care of a ll th e common injuries. Foote's "Minor Surge ry" is the textbook used. M844. Tropical Diseases. One hour a week, Second Semest er. The tex tbook is Manson's "Tropical Diseases." Th e cou rse includes the cause, symptoms and t reatment of the common tropica l diseases, a s cholera, dysentery, malaria, plague, yellow fever, hook wo rm di seases, lep rosy, etc. M845-6. D entistry. One hour pe r week throughout the Year. The general anatomy of the upper and lower jaw, with pa tholog ica l conditions of the gums a nd teeth, is fully exp la in ed . The hygiene of the mouth is emph asized. The ext racti on and simpl e fi lling of teeth is taught. M846. Constitutional Diseases. Two hours a week, Second Semester. Influenza, Stoma tit is, Acute and Chroni c Catar rh al Gastritis, Gastric Ulcers, Car- cinoma of the stomach, Diseases of the Liver and Intest ines, R hernatic F ever, Typhoid Fever. Di abetes, Addison Disease, Scury, Hemophili a, A nemia Chl orosis, Tuberculosis, Leukem ia. M847. Diseases of the Ear, Nose, and Throat. One hou r a week, First Semester . The lectures of thi s course include the commoner diseases of th e Ear , Nose and Th roa t- bot h th e acute and ch ron ic infl ammati ons- the ext raction of fore ign bodies and the diagnosis and t reatment . M848. Laboratory Methods. One hour a week, Second Semester. During the semester, one hour per week is devoted to practical labo ratory diagnosis, namely, examination of urine, of the blood, sp utum. Their pathological significance is fully di scussed.


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