
DOCTRINAL POSITION OF THE INSTITUTE T HE BIBLE INSTITUTE seeks to co-opera te with all eva ngelical denom inations. It has no purpose or thought of fo rming a new denomination . The Institute recogni zes and rejoices in the g reat good th at is being accompli shed by the churches of the different denomina tions, and seeks to help them to do even more effic ient work. It des ires and culti va tes the fe ll owshi p and co-operati on of all the evangeli cal denominati ons and of indi vid ual believe rs in all the churches. While there is a church wo rshipping on the Lord 's D ay in the auditor ium of the Bible Inst itu te, that church is an ent irely sepa rate orga ni za tion and is no pa rt of the Insti tute. T he directors and teachers of the Ins titute a re chosen without regard to their denomin at ional affi li ati on, and have always represented a number of different denominati ons and thu s is stri ctly Interdenomi nat ional. The Insti tute, howeve r, does sta nd for a definite doctrinal statement of fa ith. All its teachers and d irec tors, regardless of denomi national affiliation are requi red once a year to sig n the Statement of Fai th. All moneys co ntribu ted to the institute will be held in viol abl e fo r the teach ing of these truths. The Institute is und er mora l an d lega l obligation to do this, and permission on to teach what is contra ry to these t ruth s woul d be a viol ati on of its Co nstitution .


The Bibl e, consisting of all the books of the Old and New T estaments, is the Word of God, a supe rnaturall y g ive n revelat io n from God Himself, conce rn ing Him­ sel f, Hi s being, n atu re, characte r, wi ll and purposes; and co nce rn ing man, hi s nature, need , d uty and dest iny. The Sc ri ptures of the O ld and New Testaments a re w ithout error or missta tement in their moral and spiritu al teachings and record of hi stori cal fa cts. They a re w ithout e rro r or defect of a ny kind. II. There is one God, ete rnall y ex isting and manifesting Himse lf to us in three Per­ sons-Father, Son and H oly Spiri t . III . The Lo rd Jes us was supe rn atu ra ll y co nceived by th e powe r of the Holy Spiri t and born of a vi rg in-Ma ry, a lin ea l descendant of Dav id . He li ved and taug ht and wroug ht m ighty wo rks and wo nde rs and signs, exactl y as is recorded in th e four Gospel s. H e was put to dea th by crucifix ion unde r Ponti us Pil ate. God rai sed from the dead the body that had been na il ed to th e cross . The Lord Jesus a fte r Hi s cruci­ fi xion showed H imself al ive to Hi s di sc iples, appearing unto them by the space of fo rty days. After th is the Lord Jesus ascend ed into H eave n, and the Fath er caused Him to sit at H is right hand in t he heavenl y pl aces, far above all ru le and autho rity and powe r and dom ini on and every name that is named , not only in thi s worl d, but also in th at which is to come, and p ut all things in subj ecti on under Hi s fee t , and gave Him to be Head ove r all things to the Church. IV. The Lord Jesus, before Hi s in ca rnat ion, existed in th e fo rm of God, and of Hi s own choice la id as ide Hi s d ivine glo ry and took upon Himself the fo rm of a se rva nt , and was made i n the likeness of men. I n H is pre-existent state, H e was w ith God and was God. H e is a div ine person, possessed of all the att ributes of Deity, and shou ld be worshipped as God by ange ls and men. "In Him dwelleth all the fu lness of the Godhead bodily. " All the wo rd s that H e spoke durin g Hi s ea rthl y life we re the wo rds of God. T here is absol utely no error of any kind in them, and by the words of Jesus Chri st the words of all other teachers m ust be tested.


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