
V. The Lord Jesus became in every respect a real man, possessed of all the essen tial cha racteri stics of human nature. VI. By Hi s dea th upon the cross, the Lord Jesus made a perfect atonement for sin, by which the wrath of God against si nners is appeased, and a ground furnished upon whi ch God can deal in mercy wi th si nn ers. He redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a cu rse in our place. He Who Himself was absol utely without sin, was made to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the ri ghteo usness of God in Him. The Lord Jes us is coming again to thi s ea rth , persona ll y, bodily, and visibl y. The return of our Lord is the blessed hope of the believer, and in it God's purposes of g race towa rd mankind will find thei r consummation. VII. T he Holy Spirit is a person and is possessed of all the distinctively d ivine attributes. He is God. VIII. Man was crea ted in the image of God, after His likeness, but th e whole human race fe ll in the fall of the first Adam. All men, until they accept the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour, are lost, da rkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God th rough the ignorance that is in them, hardened in hea rt, morally and spiritually dead through their trespasses and si ns. They cannot see, nor enter the Ki ngdom of God until they are born agai n of the Holy Spi rit. IX. Men are justified on the simple and si ngle g round of the shed blood of Christ, and upon the simple and si ngle condition of faith in Him W ho shed the blood, and are born agai n by the quickening, renewing, cleansing work of the Holy Spi rit throug h the instrumentality of the Word of God. X. All th ose who receive Jes us Ch rist as thei r Saviour and thei r Lord , and who co nfess Him as such befo re thei r fe llow men, become children of God, and rece ive eternal li fe . They become hei rs of God and joint hei rs wi th Jesus Christ. At death their spiri ts depa rt to be with Chri st in consc ious blessedness, and at the second coming of Chri st, their bodies shall be raised and transfo rmed into the likeness of the bod y of His glor y. XI. All those who persistently reject Jesus Christ in the present life shall be raised from the dead , and through out ete rnity exist in a state of consc ious, unutterable, endl ess torment and anguish . XII. The Church consists of all those who, in this present dispensat ion, truly believe on Jesus Christ. It is the body and bride of Christ, whi ch Christ loves, and for which He has given Himself up. XIII. There is a personal devil, a being of g reat cunning and power, "The prince of the power of the air," "The pri nce of this world," "The god of this age." H e can exert his vast power only so far as Goel suffers him to do so. H e shall ultimate ly be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, and shall be tormented day and night forever.


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