

street, jail , shop, or cottage . Pract ica l demonstration in ser­ mon outline and structure is given, and frequ ent use is made of the blackboa rd to illu strate same. From time to time, stu­ dents are required to prepare fo r criticism outlines of sermons and add resses . The la st term in Homiletics is wholly devoted to preaching by students in the class room. Here parti cular attention is paid to correct ing defect s in the const ructi on and delivery of se rmons and Gospel addresses. Both teacher and class take part in thi s wo rk of critici sm. Direction is a lso given in public praye r and the publi c read ing of the Word of God. Cycle of Study Term I.- The Call to Preach; Conception of the Min­ istry; The Pe rmanent Function of the Ministry; The Goal in View; The Preacher's Co-operating Agents; Themes. Term II.-Doctrinal Preaching; Topical, Textual, Exposi­ tory Sermons; The Question and Answer Method of Preach­ ing ; Extemporaneou s Preaching; Memorizing the Sermon; Reading Sermons. Term III.-The Sermon in the Making; The Three Essen­ tial Parts of a Se rmon- Introduction, Di scuss ion, Conclusion; After the Choice of a Text, What ? Hints on Selecting Material and P lanning the Message; Sermon Outlines. Term IV.-Preaching by Students; Outline Work fo r Criti cism by Class and Teacher; Correction of Defects in Reading of Scripture, Public Praye r and Sermon. X. Pastoral Theology Lectures and familiar talks on the work of the Pastor : the office; the call; the privileges and perils; his public and private life; his relation to the church as a whole and to its various organizations; to the press; to the people, and to philanthropic work.


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