




Preacher's Loya lty to hi s Master, to hi s Message and to Men; Dangers to Avoid in the Ministry; Church Gove rnment- How to T reat Church Office rs; T he Mid-week Prayer M eet ing, its Val ue, its Leaders, its Topics and its Dangers ; The Minister's R elation to the Children of Hi s Parish;-Dealing WithChild Conversion and Child Train ing and Work for Children in General ; Meetings fo r Children Onl y; Se rmons fo r Children; V isitati on or Pastora l Calling ; I llustrati ons, th eir F un cti on, Charac ter and Source . XXIV. Music The prime obj ec t of the music in st ructi on is to equip the studen t th oroughl y for every demand made upon th e Chri s­ tian wo rke r in playing, singing, conducting, wr it ing and teach ­ ing Gospe l mu sic. It prepa res fo r eve ry branch of church mu sic activity. Courses a re offe red in Voice, Piano, Organ, Violin, T heory and Notation, and S ight Singing, Conducting, Harmony and Composition, Normal Training, Hymnology, Adva nced Choru s and Ear Traini ng. In a ll in st ructi on a standa rd is ma in tained in techni que equal to that of the best conse rvator ies, and prov ision is made fo r wo rk in Voice, Piano, Organ, Counterpoint and Compos i­ ti on more advanced than that outlined in the regular two years course and mention ed in the preceding paragraph. T he inst ru ct ion in voice, pian o, organ a nd violin is in di­ vidual, and a nomina l cha rge of $ 1.00 fo r half-hour lessons is made fo r voice, piano and violin , and $ 1. 50 fo r p ipe organ. To persons not en ro lled as regular studen ts th e ra te for private instruct ion is doubl e the stud ent rate quoted above . 1. NOTATION, THEORY AND SIGHT SINGING Thi s subj ect gives a foundati on fo r a ll other mu sic train ­ ing. and is pursued ve ry thoroughly. Nota ti on I. cove rs th e rudiment s o f mu sic, a maste ry of scale relat ion and th e maj or keys ; Notati on II. continues thi s wo rk and gives d rill in more difficult note read ing , ch romatics , modulations, and the natural , melod ic and harmoni c fo rms of th e scale in minor key s. S ight


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