

Tuition Fees

There are no tuition fees. Students register at the begin­ ning of each term. The regi stration fee is $ 1.00.

Hospital Fund

Every student, or student 's hu sband or wife, residing in the Institute buildings is required to cont ribute $2 .00 a term to th e H ospita l Fund. From thi s fund will be paid, in ca se of sickness, th e cha rge fo r room and boa rd in one of the best hos­ pita ls in th e city fo r a sum not exceeding eighty dollars ($80.00) . Thi s does not include the physician' s se rvices. surgi cal operations, nor ambulance service, if such are necessary .

Expense of Room and Board

Unmarried students are required to room and boa rd in th e In stitute buildings, but in th e case of a stud ent who res ides with parents or relati ves in the city, or whose employment is of such a nature as to necess itate living outside the In st itute bu il dings. the Faculty will conside r the ci rcumstances and dec ide accord­ ingly. Married students ca n always find comfortable apa rt ­ ments at reasonable rate s within easy reach of the Institute. The rooms in the Institute are single rooms, comfortably fur­ nished, lighted, heated and supplied with running water, hot and cold. The Institute supplies the linens and launders the same. Students take care of th eir rooms. Exce ll ent table board is provided in the Institute dining room, a section of wh ich is se t apart for the student body and the Superintendents. The students wait on the table s. The present charge fo r room a nd board is $7.00 a week, payable in advance. All work done by th e student s fo r the In st itute is pa id fo r.


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