



Course. The course includes a careful study of the leading doc­ trines of the Bible; the reading and study of the whole Bible from Genes is to Revelation by book, chapte r , anal yt ic or other methods; a complete cou rse in th e use of the Bible in Personal Work; Diblical Introduct ion; Chri stian Evidences; Missions; the Prepa rat ion and Deli very of Gospel Addresses and Bible Expos iti ons; Sunday School, and other Methods of Christian work. Music . In music, the student s are dri ll ed in sight reading, con­ ducting cong regat iona l singing, and harmo ny. Private instruc- tion in voca l and in strumental mu sic is a lso arranged for when Enro ll ed stud ent s a re required to engage in definite Chri s­ tian work in conn ection with their own church, unde r th e supe r­ vision of the Sec retary of t he Evening School, the student thus putting in practice what ha s been studied in the class room. Weekly Reports. S tud ent s are f urni shed blank fo rms on which a careful report of study and work must be made and handed in weekly. Cards on wh ich to reco rd names and add resses of enqu irers or converts are furnished, the purpose be ing to get every conve r t connected with some church. How Many Classes. desired. For spec ia l ra tes see page 59. Practical Christian Work R equired . While t he course is a r ranged so that pe rsons of average ability, empl oyed during the day, can take all the classes, the Secretary will a lways be glad to arrange the number and char­ acter of cla sses attended to suit the special needs of students. Our aim is to help each ind ividual as much a s poss ibl e. Credit Cards. Student s compl et ing a terms work and pass ing satisfactory examinat ion s are given a Cred it ca rd show ing their standing in the examinations. Certificate. A Ce rt ificate is given student s sati s factorily completing th e three yea rs' course .


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