





Place of Meeting. Sessions a re held in th e Bible In stitut e Building. When to Begin.

Students may ent e r a t any time; but th e beginning of one o f the T e rms is a bett e r time to ente r th a n in th e middl e of a Term, and at th e beginning of th e Fa ll T e rm is bett er still. Expenses . A nomin a l fee of one doll a r pe r te rm is cha rged fo r Regis­ trati on. Th is mu st accompany appli ca ti on fo r membe rship . The re a re no tuiti on fees, except fo r private lessons in music. Fo r private voca l lessons o r pi ano lessons, students a re

given a special ra te of one doll a r per lesson. Relation to the Day School of the Institute.

Credit s in th e Day School fo r work done in th e Evening Schoo l will be awa rd ed in acco rdance with th e p ropor tion o f the subject cove red in an y part icula r course of stud y consid­

ered in its relat ion to that study in th e Day School. 1st. T he minimum length of res idence in th e day for graduat ion is one school yea r o f three te rms. 2nd. T he minimum wo rk done


in th e evening school f or gradua ti on a ft e r one year 's res idence in th e day sch ool is fi ve terms' work. Th at is, all th e Eve ning School examinati ons of these five te rms to be pa ssed with a grade of a t lea st 75 per cent . 3rd. In th e case of a student who hashad less than five te rms of wo rk in th e E vening School, c redit w ill be g iven in th e day school course fo r each subj ect in whi ch t he st udent has passed in th e evening school with a grade o f a t leas t 75 pe r cen t. Thi s will excuse th e evening school student from taking th e day school examinations in that subj ect, and may excuse th e stud ent from a tt ending th e class a lso. T he latte r to be le f t to th e di sc ret ion o f th e teache r of th e subj ect. Admission. Intending stud ent s shoul d apply eithe r pe rsonall y or by mail, fo r an Application fo r Admi ss ion fo rm, and a f te r fillin g it re turn it a t once with th e Registration Fee to THE SECRETARY OF THE EVENING SCHOOL, BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES.


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