




The King's Business In connection with the Institute there is issued a monthly magaz ine entitled "The King's Business." The magazine usu­ ally consist of ninety-six or more pages. It conta ins t imely editori als on matters of interest to a ll those who love the Lord and Hi s work. The cont ributed a rticles cover a large fi eld of general interes t. There a re always a rticles dealing with some of th e great fundamental doctrines of the Chri stian fa ith, the magazine thus continuing the se ries of volumes entitled "The F undamentals" which were circulated so widely among Chri stian workers all ove r the world. A special feature is the Sunday School lesson depa rt­ ment, in whi ch the International Lessons are treated by five specialists, adap ting the lesson to seve ral methods of study. The K ing's Business is being used in place of quarterlies in many churches, because of its sound and practical lesson ex­ positi ons. The magaz ine al so ca rri es a daily devoti onal de­ partment, the Scripture selections being grouped around the current Sunday School lesson. The magaz ine al so contains items of interest regarding the work of the Institute and its many departments of activity. In these will be found helpful instances of actual occurrence in the Lord's work culled from the workers' reports, and always stimulating to faith , praise and prayer. The subscription price for the magazine is $1.00 per year in the United States and its posessions, Mexico, Can­ ada and points in the Central American Postal Union. In all other fo reign countries the pri ce is $1.24 (5 shillings, 2 pence). The King's Business has an interes ting agency proposi­ ti on to make to young men and women who desire to earn money by whi ch to pay their expenses of a course of t raining in the Insti tute. F ull pa rticula rs of thi s will be furni shed anyone who will address the Business Manage r of the K ing' s Business, 536-558 South Hope St reet, Los Angeles, Cal.


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