
studied, with a view to the proper app li cation of the principles involved in connection with our pr esent-day problem in Christian education. 735. Week Day Church School-Daily Vacation Bible School. One hour a week, F irst Semester, Third Year. The subject dea ls with the very important development of week day church school and types of week clay instruction. Inst ruction is given as to the curriculum and methods successfu lly empl oyed in conducting the Daily Vacation Bible School. 737. Advanced P edagogy. Two hours a week, F irst Semester, Third Year. This subj ect dea ls with the principles of the art of teaching. It applies the theo ry in educati on to the actual work of teaching in order to secur e the hi ghest results. It ,aims to prepar e the student to most effecti vely present the gospel message to all cl asses o f people. 738. Teacher Training. One hou r a week, Second Semester, Third Year. This work appl ies norma f tra ining methods to Bible teaching. Observation and practice t eaching is r equired. Constructive critic ism is r endered in class, so that the best method of presenting the lesson mate ri al is illustrated. 742. Church Supervision. Two hours a week, Second Semester, Fourth Year. This co urse is designed especially for those who will be pastors' assistants, and upon - whom the task of supervisi on o f the church's activit ies will fall.

GROUP VIII Missions ( Nos. 800-899) 801-8. General Missions. One hour a week th roughout all courses.

Lect ures a re g iven covering the divine plan of missions as revealed in the Scriptures. The missionary enterpri se is viewed in its broadest outlook. Advantage it taken of the visit to the city and In stitute o f outstanding missionary leader s from both the home and foreign fields. 831. Non -Christian. Religions. Two hours a week, First Semester, Third Year. This course is especia lly designed to prepare mi ssiona ry candidates to understand the r eligi ous thought Ji fe o f those to whom they go. Since an understanding of the char­ acteri stic ·features o f Animism li es at the very foundation of an adequate understanding of any and a ll religions, thi s phase of the subj ect holds an important part in this course. The true origin and growth of relig ions is ca refu lly studi ed, and th e absolute and fundamental difference between revealed and natural r eligi on is considered. 832. Phonetics. Two hours a week, Second Semester, Third Year. This subj ect deals with the science of the a rticuulate sounds of human speech. The sounds o f English speech are fir st analyzed, then the speech sounds peculiar to mission lands a re investigated and ana lyzed. The student is taught how to cl assify unfamiliar speech so unds in order that they may be accurately r eproduced and properly r ecorded. No study is o f mo re vital importance to the missionary candidate for foreign service than to master the course in Phonetics. 833-4. History of Christian Missions. T wo hours a week throughout the First and Second Semesters, Third Year. In the first Semester the course dea ls with the hi story of the missionary movement from apostolic days onwa rd. During the second Semester the work is continued, with time permitting for the study of some of the great missionary bi ographi es. 835. Missionary Principles and Practice. One hou r a week throughout the First Semester, Third Year. Thi s course dea ls with the questi on of mi ssionary admini stration, qualifications o f the mi ssiona ry cand idate, methods and policies of work on the field, the relat ion of the mis­ sionary to var ious classes of individuals, self-support of native churches, and other such prob lems of very practica l bearing on the mi ssiona ry program for world evan­ gc lizati on. 837. Missionary Hygiene. One hour a week, First Semester. Third Year. Instruction is given in those laws essenti a l for the preservation of the mi ssionary's physical well being. Through proper observance o f these fundamental laws a mis­ sionary's length of service and efficiency should be great ly increased. 19

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