
GROUP MVIII Christian Service Medical Courses ( Nos. M830-M839)

M830. Clinical Wark. One assignment per week is made to attend the following clinics: Los Angeles General Hospital, All Nations Clinic, The Anita Baldwin Clinic for Children and a special Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Clini c. Specia l arrangements are made to have the students accompany physicians on confinement cases. The clinics of the Los Angeles General Hospital are second to none in the country. M831 -2. Anatomy and Physiology. First and Second Semesters, two hours per week. The text-book, "Anatomy and P hysiology," by Kimber and Gray. Being a basic study and laying foundations for a more complete knowledge of the human body, this course is extended throughout the year. Skeletons and manikins are used to illustrate the subjects taught. Plans are being made to visit the dissecting rooms of the nearby medical schools. M83la. Obstetrics. First Semester, one hour per week. Anatomy of the pelvis; Anatomy and physiology of female reproductive organs; Signs, symptoms and diagnosis of pregnancy; Ailments of pregnancy; Normal and abnormal delivery; Puerperal care; Care of the newborn chi ld; Obstetrical operations, forceps, version extraction, Caesarean section, pubiotomy, perinea! tear, etc. The management of normal obstetrical cases is arranged for by having the students in groups of two answer out calls under the supervision of members of the medical faculty. M832a. Diseases of the Eye. Second Semester, one hour per week. Diseases of the eyelids, conjunctiva, iris and lachrymal glands are carefully explained. and _treatment is outlined. Students attend a special clinic where practical instruction 1s given. M833-4. Minor Surgery. First and Second Semesters, one hour per week. Lectures and demonstrations comprising up to date methods of first a id, management and care of all the common injuries. Foote's "Minor Surgery" is the textbook used. M833a. Skin Diseases. First Semester, one hour per week. Textbook, "Skin Diseases," by Schamberg. This course covers the usual skin lesions found at home and abroad. The primary lesions, as papules, vesicles, pustules, wheales, scales, etc., and secondary les ions, as excoriation, crusts, etc ., are demonstrated in clinics and by demachrome plates. Ery­ themas, Impetigo Contagiosa, Eczemas, Scabies (itch), Psorisis, Tineas, Syphiliderm lesions , Lepra, Small Pox, Epithelioma and Exanthemata are demonstrated at the Clinic of the Los Ange les General Hospital. M834a. Tropical Diseases. Second Semester, one hour per week. The text-book is Manson's "Tropical Diseases." The course includes the cause, symp toms and treatment of the common tropical diseases, as cho-lera, dysentery, malaria, plague, yellow-fever, hook worm diseases, leprosy, etc. Dr. Boyd, who lived for twenty­ two years in South China and Siam, is peculiarly fitted, from actual experience in the treatment of these diseases, to give these lectures. M835 -6. Theory and Practice of Nursing. First and Second Semesters, one hour per week. The course not only includes the theoretic consideration of the care of the sick, but the practical aspects of the subj ect as well. The students are taught the keeping of a clinical record, the care and use of thermometers, and urinalysis. Assignments are made to assist the schoo l nurses in the care of Bible Institute students who are ill and need the care of the School Physician. 1'vf83Sa. Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. First Semester, one hour per week. The lectures of this cou rse include the commoner diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat- both the acute and chronic inflammations-the extraction of foreign bodies and the diagnosis and treatment. Practical instruction is given in a special Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic by Dr. Harris. M836a. Dentistry. Second Semester, one hour per week. The general anatomy of the upper and lower jaw, with pathological conditions of the gums and teeth, is fully explained. The hygiene of the mouth is emphasized. The extraction and simpl e filling of teeth is taught. M837-8. Constitutional Diseases. First and Second Semester, one hour per week. 20

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