
The Lyceum and Eteri clubs minister to business girls who come t o the club meeting di rect ly from the schoo lroom, the office, or th e store. A happy time of f ellowship is en­ j oyed aro und th e supper tables, af ter which the gi rl s separate into prayer groups, coming together again for a song se rvi ce and Bible study. Many a homes ick, mother ­ elss gir l has been brought in by friends and saved much heartache by the cord ia l fel­ lowship , wi se counsel, and genuine frien dship wh ich she has fo und in the club. The Lyceum Club meets in its own room in the Bible Institute building, The Eter i Clubs, sister organizations, some twenty in number, have been organized in nearby com­ muniti es . Our state laws prohibit the teaching of the Bible in the public schools, but there is no law forbidding the undermini ng of the fa ith of the students in God's W ord, and the theo ry of evo luti on and oth er theories contrary to the Bible are free ly t aught. Because of these cond itions, and alse becaus e of the fact that our young people are led astray so ea rly in these days, Bible classes among High School g irl s are held regul arly in churches and private homes near the Intermediate and High Schools of the city and outlying towns. Over seventy such classes are now being conducted each week. The organi za ti on of these classes as a who le is known as "The Euodia Club." The meaning of the wo rd Euodia is "fragrance," the motto bei ng "Be fragr ant for Christ." A conference of a ll Clubs is held every yea r du ring the Easter holidays in the con­ ference g round at the Pacific Pa li sa les . Other conferences are held from time to time at the Bible -Institute, where the inspirati onal addresses, soc ial fe llowship and who le­ some atmospher e provide just the sort of helpful in fluence needed t o develop genuine Chri stian character. A number of our g irl s are t aking, or have t aken, the Bible Institute course, and many are in acti ve service for the Lord. At least one g irl is on the fore ign fi eld, a nd others are pl ann ing to go. Our thr ee- fo ld aim : To teach the Word; t o save unsaved girls; to lead saved girls into lives of service. Jewish Work Rememberi ng the Scriptural injunction, "to the J ew first," we maintain among these " lost sheep of the house of I srae l" d ivinely g if ted workers whose labors have been great ly blessed, and no converts affo rd us more j oy than those fr om among the people "of whom, as concerning the fl esh, Chri st came." Nuntius Clubs There are a t present twenty-four of th ese Nuntius (meaning "Messenger") Clubs, working among High School boys of Southern Ca li forn ia. With t emptations of every so r t surrounding the youth of our day, it is essential that wholesome influences be provided to serve as safeguards. While carefully supervis ed r ecr eati ona l act ivities are arranged for the boys, th e principal obj ect of the work is to create in their minds and hea rts a genu ine des ir e to know the Word o f God and to regu late their lives by its precepts. The Shop Work In the shops, factor ies, ca r barn s and fir e eng ine houses, hundreds of men are found whose circumstances form an a lmos t insurmountable ba rri er to their attendance upon regular church services, and among these our evange li sts ho ld Gospel meetings on week­ days and press the claims of t he Lord J cs us Chri st upon men, many of whom become Christians of th e sturdi es t type. The Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China Directed by Bible Institute of Los Ange les The ma in fea tures of the work of the Bible Institute in H unan Province, Ch ina, are:

The Bible Institute a t Changsha. The Biola Evangel istic Bands. The Hunan Autumn Bibl e School and Confer ence at Nan Yoh.

Through these various agencies an intensive and extens ive evangeli sm is carr ied on. Thi s wo rk is under th e d ir ection of Dr. Frank A. Ke ller, fo r many years connected with the China Inland Mis sion. 32

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