




Evangelistic Department T he I nst itute condu cts aggress ive evangel is ti c work, uncle~ competent leadership, a long the fo ll owing l ines : A 111ona the Mex icans ; S hops a nd Factories; a 111ong the Sea111en in Pacific Coast Harbors ; House to House V isitation and Bible Class \ i\fork by Bible Wo111en; a111ong the Jews; a B ibl e Institute in Hunan, China. Though the F ishe rmen 's Club is a di stinct o rga ni zat ion, incorpo ra ted with its own board of d irector s and in no wa_1· a part of the work of the Jn stitute no r responsibl e to it, yet a s it was the nucleu s from which th e ln sti tute de1·e lopecl , a nd still ho lds it s mee tings in the In stitute builclings. the fo ll ow ing bri ef historical sketc h wi ll be of in te rest. The Fishermen's Club On Monday evening, April 16, 1906, a little group of seYenteen young men ga thered together to study the Bible, and to engage in persona l work. U nd er t he leader sh ip of Rev . T. C. Horton a systematic and insp irati ona l study of the Bible was begun. · A few 111 onth s passed and the class g rew in numbers, u ntil in the su111111 er of 1906 it was organi zed und er t he na111e of the "Fisher111en 's Clu b," ( See l\fatthew -1- :19 ) and now has an a ttendance of between two and th ree hund red. There has been st ri ct adherence to the principl e o f striving fo r a si ng le object, Yi z., t he study of God's \ Vo rel , a nd t he doing of active, aggres­ sive personal work fo r the Lo rd Jesu s Chr ist. In t hese twenty yea r s . more than one hun cl recl men ha1·e gone ou t from the Club into definite Christian work, some as 111i ssiona ries in fo reign fi eld s, under the var;ous evangelical deno111inations,-one a 111ed ical 111i ss ionary. They a re found in China. Japan, S ia111 , Afr ica and Central and South America , as well as in many fi eld s in our own land. The Work of the Bible Women This work came into existence as the result of a deeply fe lt need to reach women in the ho111e , and was organ ized by iVIrs. Anna L. H orton in January, 1909. "Bible \ Vomen"


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