




There are prayer circles wh ich a re pledged to dail y prayer and commitment of Scriptures. S ick-beds and sorrowing mem­ bers are not forgot ten, as the many messages and visits prove. Absentees are kept in constant touch with the Club by a com­ mittee whi ch looks after such co rrespondence, and the cheer y Christian letters a re a he lp and bless ing. The Club has many representatiYes in the foreign and home fields , and each year there are many fr om the Club to take up the regular Course of study in the Inst itute to prepare them for such work Eteri Clubs As the work of th e Lyceum Club became known, ca ll s began to come from ot her communiti es fo r simil ar girls' clubs and in September 1921. i\ 1iss :\1yrtle Scott began to organize the Eter i Cl ubs. "Eter i" is Greek fo r "others ' ' and the motto ' 'Eteri K.or i' ' ( for the ot her g ir l ) has been reali zed as the mem­ bers haYe sought out and brought in those who, like themseh·es, needed Chri stian fe ll owshi p. an und erstanding of God's \\ .ore! and a knowledge of Ch ri st as their personal Sa \·iour. The moYement has spread throughout Southern Cali fornia until "Eter i Clubs" haYe been organi zed in fift een cities and towns . Each of these clubs meets once a week fo r supper, which is fo ll owed by group praye1· meet ings and these by the genera l meeting of song, tes timony and a B; bl e lesson taught by one of the Bible \\' omen. In a ll these clubs the Bible is the ini t ial attract ion. · 1\' othing else is taught and no other program is sub­ st ituted except an occa ·ional mi ssionary address. Hund reel s of \·ou ng women between the ages of fifteen and thirty- five a re being reached and held week after week and year afte r year. by this program. The Gospel ha s not lost its attract;Ye power. The Euodia Club Our state laws proh ibit the teaching of the Bible in the publ ic school s, but there is no law forb idding the undermining of the faith of the student s in God's \Vorel, and the t heory of ernlution and other teachings contrary to the Bible are fre elv taught. Because of these concHions, and also because of the fact that our you ng people are led astray so early in these clays, in 1910 the fir st B ibl e class among High School g irl s wa s formed by Mrs. Anna L. Horton in connection with the old Los


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