



Angeles High . chool. A group o[ g irl s was gathered together one a fte rnoon each week fo r Bibl e study. Q ui ckl y fo ll owing thi s other classes were fo rmed . unt il we now have twenty o[ these weekh· B ible cla sses in conn ec ti on with the vari ous Inter­ mecl;ate am! High Schools of the city and outl ying t owns. Some o f the Hi gh School boys are now clamoring fo r Bible teaching, and three classes a rc composed of spl end id Chri st ia n boys, eager fo r a better knowl edge of th e \ Vo rel of Goel . T he organi zat ion of these classes a s a whole is known as " The E uocl ia Club ." T he mea ning of the word E uocl ia is " fragrance .' ' the motto being "Be f ragrant fo r Chri st. " In the past few yea rs we have stud ied the Books of Genes is, J ohn a nd Acts, tak; ng a yea r to each. O ne year wa s devoted to the g reat fun damental truth s of the B ibl e, a nd one year to cli s­ pensati onal Tru ths. A number of our g irl s a re takin°·, or haYe taken, the B ible In stitute course. and manv are in act ive se rv ice fo r the Lord . At least one g irl is on t he 'for eign fi eld , and others are planning to go . Our three-fold a im: T o teach the \Vo rel; to save un saYed gir ls; to lead saved g irl s in to li Yes of service . The Jewish Work Remember ;ng the Scri ptural injunct ion- "to t he J ew fi rst ,'' we ma inta in among these " lost sheep of the house of I srael" cl i,·inely g i ftecl worker s vvhose labo rs have been g reatly blessed, and no converts affo rd us mor(' joy than those f ro111 among the peopl e "of whom, as concern ing the fl esh. Chri st came." The Spanish Work A competent , consecrated work er , with a real love fo r the Spani sh people, is ma inta ined to labor a 111ong the Spani sh­ speaking people of the city a nd sur round ing town s includ ing the many ca111 ps composed of Mexican laborers. The work consists of personal interv iews, with Bible classes and Gospel meetings where poss ible, a s a result of which very many have been brought out of da rkn ess into the g loriou s light of the Gos­ pel of Chri st.

Ei ght y-si x

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