




Biola Hall Our Citv M iss ion at 421 South Ma in St reet is admirabl v loca ted fo r t:!1e work wh ich is bei ng conducted there. ThOl;­ sa ncl s of men pass its doo rs, clay and ni ght . The Hall is l ight. cheery, and well equi pped for definit e, pe rsona l, evange li st ic work . l\Ieetings a re held in the entrance of th e ha ll , which is so arranged t hat at leas t fifty men can gather from the street, withou t interfe rring with the traffic and on our own premi ses . A n a udi ence can be secured in fiYe .min­ utes at any t ime of the clay or ni ght, thus providing the best place for personal work we have ever had. N umbers of men are brought to Chl" ist each clay. In connec ti on with thi s work, a noon-day praye r meeting is held, and a Men 's Bible Class on Sunday afternoon. T he hund reds of young men who are com ing to the city afford us an unu sua l opportunity of reaching them at the cru ­ cial time. This is a real trai 11i11g school for th e pract ical work of learning how to preach by preachi ng . The Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China The main features of the work of the Bible Institute in Hunan Prov ince, China, a re : T he B ible Inst itute a t Cha ngsha. The Biola Evange li st ic Bands . T he H1111an Autumn B ibl e School and Conf erence at · :t\an Yoh, through the agency of all of wh ich a n in tensive and extensive evange li sm is ca rri ed on. This wo rk is under the d irecti on 0£ Dr. Frank A . Ke ll er, fo r many yea r s conn ected with t he China Inland M iss ion. The Bible Institute at Changsha One of the great needs in China today is that of tra ined nat ive pasto r . and evangeli sts who a re thoroughl y sound in th e fa ith, who know the truth a nd know how to impart it to others, a nd who haYe a pass io 1 1 fo r the lost. T he coll eges a nd seminar ies already establi shed in China , which a re conducted along the li nes of those in Amer ica, do not meet this neecl , and it can onl y be met by B ibl e I nstilut es such as that which Dr. I...:.ell er ha s establi shed at Cha ngsha. He repo rt s a n enroll-

Ei g h ty-eight

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