



ment for thi s yea r of more than JOO men and 30 women stu­ dents, with other appli cat ions wa iting decis ion. \ ,V ith the new buildings now pract; cally completed , there is eYe ry reason to beli eve tha t thi s numbe r will be Ye ry la rgely increased . The Biola Evangelistic Bande The B iola Eva ngeli st ic Bands a re ba nd s of Chinese evan­ geli sts a nd student evangeli sts, sent out by th e B ibl e Inst itut e of Los Angeles, in Hunan , to do a wo rk of widespread, a nd a t the same time, very intensive eyangel; sm, mainly in the fi elds hi therto unreached by the Gospel. Our special sphere of work is not in citi es where Gospel work has been going on for year s und er a permanently estab­ li shed agency, but in the outly ing un touched d istri cts . \ Ve ente r a fi eld onl y on the wr itten invitati on o f the mi s­ sion responsible fo r tha t fi eld. O ur work consists of house- to­ house evangeli sm, ta lking to indiv idua ls a nd li tt le groups in the homes of the peopl e, and g iv ing suitabl e Gospel literature to those who ma ni fes t an interest in t he message . \ ,V hen people, become in te rested, we orga ni ze B ibl e classes and seek to lead them to a full er knowledge of the truth as it is revealed in God's \Vo rel. \ Ve also hold open-a ir services in ma rkets and other suitable publi c places, and generally conduc t a n evening evangeli sti c service in some r ented buil d ing or la rge inn . Each band cons ists of tweh ·e men and a t ra ined leader. \\' e now haYe 12 bands wo rk ing in three prov inces, a total of l 56 men. D11 r i 11 _g a. P eriod o:( ./\I inf J ! 011 /hs our wo rkers v isited over 200,000 homes and dis tributed over 700,000 Gospel books a nd t racts, hundreds of homes we re clea red of their idols and in 33 places self -suppo rting centers of wo rshi p were establi shed whi ch, by God 's bl ess ing, will become t ru e self-suppo rting churches. Each day a f ter their pri vate B ibl e study a nd praye r , the men of each band have a n hour and a half of united B ible study conducted by the leader of the band, before they go out to their clay 's work . Thi s study is pa r t of a regul a r systemat ic course covering a peri od of two yea r s. A vea r or two of solid work in one of the Biola Evan-­ geli st ic Bands g ives a unique and in va luable experi ence. We most earnes tl y recommend eYery student of the H unan Bible

Ninety -on e

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