Student Missionary Union The obj ect of this organi zat ion of the student body ;s to st imul ate a nd foster inte rest in the evangeli zation of t he needy places of the worl d, both in the "Home" and "Foreign" fie lds . T he u ni on unde r its own officers and commi ttees, meets once a week . A la rge pa r t of the t ime is spent in defi nite prayer for the defi ni te needs of missionar:es on the fi eld, a nd condit ions in the fie ld . Letters from forme r students haYe a promi nent place at this meeting, and there is usua ll y a n add ress from a retu rned mi ss ionary, whi ch keeps the students in close toucl1 with a ll parts of the wo r ld. T here a re two classes of membe rs, ActiYe and Associate. T he fo rmer sign a dec la ration of purpose to g ive t heir li Yes t o eyangeh tic wo rk in the H ome or Foreign fie ld, as the case may be. T he latte r sign a dec laration prom isi ng to suppor t the cause of wo rl d e,ange li zat ion by praye r a nd gifts . .:-lembershi p is open to a ll students of th e l nsti tute, includ ing those in the E,·en ing and Correspondence Schools .
N in ety-fo ur
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