



The King's Business This magazine is the official organ of the Institute. lt i5 issued monthly, and has lately been enlarged and improved. haying added to its li st of contr ibutors a number of the best known writers in thi s and other countries. Its editorial s are alway s frank , fearl ess and timel y. Its contr ibuted articles cover a wide range of subjects and nng true to the fundamental s of our fa ith . A special feature of the magazine is its Sunday School Department, contai ning helps for teachers for the uniform In te rnati onal seri es. O th er helpfu l departments o f th e magaz ine are th e D:1 il y Dcn1ti onal R eadings ; th e Children ·s 1-'age ; interest ing stori es fr om the e1·angeli sti c worker s of the Institute. including th e work of the Hunan Bible Institute ( in China) ; a nd many ot her feat ures of interes t to the Lord 's people. Students des iring to ea rn money with which to meet par t of their expenses whi le at the Inst itute may do so by taking subscriptions for The K ing's Business . Full parti culars of the plan may be obtained by address ing the C; rculat ion Department of the K ing's Busi ness . 536-558 S . Hope Street , Los Angeles. Ca li fo rn ia. SuBSCRIPTIOK RATES: Domest ic, $1.25 a year; Foreign, ( including Canada) $1.50.


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