




The Finances of the Institute

It has always been the pract ice of the Institute to make nu charge for tuiti on. From certa in investments there is a limited income for the carrying on of the work o f the Institute, but ir: addition to this there is needed an nually $ 100,000 for the main­ tenance of the work . This need is met each year by volun tary contributi ons, and those who beli eve in the teachings for which the Bible Institute stand s, and the work which it is doing in training men and women fo r Chri stian usefuln ess, and ;n actuall y winning men to Chri st whi le they are being thu s trai ned. are earnestly request ed to help in the finan cial needs of the Inst itute. l. By a contr ibuti on to current expense. E ither large or small amount s wi ll be gratefu lly received, and will ass ist mater­ ially in the work. 2. By assuming the expense of t raini ng a student for one yea r. This means donating to the Institute, not the cost of hi s room and boa rd, but the pro rata cost of hi s instructi on, i.e .. $175. 3. By founding a permanent fund for the training of a stud ent, (as in paragraph 2) whi ch fund may bea r the name of the donor, if so de ·ired . 4. By endowing a Schola r ship, the income from which will meet the expense of a student fo r room and board . See page 97 . 5. By investing in the Inst itute on the Annuity Plan. See page 98. 6. By remembering "Bible Institu te of Los A ngeles" in a last will and testament. See page 100. Every contributor of $ 10.00 or more annually to th e Insti­ tute, will receiYe T he King' s Busi ness free.

Nin e ty-six

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