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Advantages and Privileges 1. The fir st advantage of the Tn stitute is found in its corps o f t eacher s. men and women who have been specia li sts for ma ny years in the stud y of the one Book , the Bibl e, and who have had many years ' expe ri ence in t eaching that Book, some of them not onl y in Ameri ca, bu t in fo reig n land s. Those now teach;ng at the Bible Institute of Los A nge les have as­ sisted in framin g the course of study in other Bibl e Institutes, now in success ful operati on , before coming to L os Angeles . These t eacher s are so well known to Chri stians in all land s that there is no need to dwell here upon their quali f icati ons for the work. 2. The second ach ·a ntag-e of the B ;bl e Institute of L os Angeles is found in it s locati on. There is probably no more hea lthful clima te in a ll the wor ld tha n that of t hi s c ity . The student here is fr ee from a ll th e phy ica l stra in tha t one is necessa ril y unde r , e ithe r in summe r or wint er . in most la rgr cit ies in ot her sec ti ons o f the u nited Stales . Ma ny coming to l, os A ngeles in run-down phys ical condition. soon rega ;n a bounding health. Bu t thi s is not the on ly ach·antage in the locati on of th e B ibl e Insti tute in thi s c it ,·. I t is doubtful if t he re is a ny othe r city on the g lobe wh ere t here is at the p re en t t ime so great a need on t he one ha nd . a nd on the other so g reat a n oppo rtun: ty a nd promi se . fo r sound a nd solid B ible work and aggress i,·e Chri sti an ef for t. Ko one who has not li,· ed in l,os A ngeles and studi ed th e city a nd its inhabitants, it loca­ ti on, resources a nd g rowth , has a ny concept ion of its present g reatn ess . and much less of its f ut ure poss ibiliti es . It has not onl y the matchl ess clima te to \\'h; ch reference has already been made, bu t a lso it s ma rYe lou sly fert il e so il. its ri ch min es , its cheap fu el, a nd a cit izenshi p of ra re qua li ty . In ad diti on to t hi , t he opening of the Panama Cana l, and the prox imity of the Califo rni a: Coas t to the O r ;ent , a ll ma rk L os A ngeles a s a city of dest iny . Kot onl y does Los A n_g·e les a lready don1inate the Pacifi c Coast, but it influence upon J apan, China a nd K orea, is immeasurable fo r good or evil. T hi s is the criti cal hour, and t hose who beli eve in the B ible and its matchless power to influence, not onl y in cl iYidua ls, but al so society a s a whole, a ncl th e comme rc ial Ii f e of nat ions as well as their r e­ lig ious Ii fe, ~houl d se ize th e present oppo rtunity a t any cost.


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