



5. A further advantage is found in the opportunity for recreation. All the ocean beaches a re access ible by street car lines. Some of them can be reached in half an hour and others of them in an hour. Mt. Lowe and Mt . \ Vil son can be reached by troll ey . T he stud ents on their rest clays take many outings together, and part ies needing rest go to the seashore o r moun­ tain resorts. Devotional Life "That was a g rea t lack in my school li fe," said one who is growing old in Chri stian service, when the devoti onal life of the Inst itute was under discu ss ion. It was a joy to be able to g ive the assurance of ample a ttenti on to it here. It begins with the awaken;ng of the clay. One hour is all owed between the ri si ng bell and the breakfast bell fo r dress ing and the qui et hour per iod- an opportunity to look to Goel before looking upon men. During the superintendents' half hour immediately fo llowing the morning meal, the men and women gather together in the two rooms respecti vely assignee! fo r morning devoti on, fo r a season of praye r and devotional study of the \Vorel . The super intendent s, pres ide at thi s sess ion bringing wha tever mes5age fo r the clay that Goel may have g iven them. The student s assemble again at th e close of the evening meal , fo r a season of prayer and test imony. The students themselves have charge of thi s service, being ass ignee! in turn by the superintendents. Another da ily fea ture of g reat helpf ulness is the cor r; clor praye r meeti ng . The stud ents on each co rridor gathe1- in a student' s room at whatever hour is most conveni ent to di scuss the ir perplexi ng personal problems and to present them to Goel fo r soluti on. It is here that: def initeness in prayer is lea rned , as perhaps at no other gathering.


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