

The Object of the Institute T he Insti tute a ims, in its t ra ining of a ll classes fo r whom it is intended, to send out men and women having at least these seven cha racte ri sti cs: 1. Genuine and thorough consecra tion . 2. Intense love for soul s. 3. A deep a nd comprehensive knowledge of the \i\lor cl of Goel, a nd espec ia ll y of how to use it in leading men to Chri st. 4. \ Villing ness to endure ha rdn ess as good soldie rs of Jesus Ch r ist. 5. U ntiring energy . 6 . \\ 'ell bal a nced common sense, especially a long relig ious l;nes . 7. E ndu ement with power by the f illing with t he H oly S piri t. Great emphas is is laid upon the development of t he sp iritua l lif e of the student. I£ a ny stud ent should go fr om the school without a more int ima te, personal acqua inta nce wi th Jesus Chri st, or without more o f the power of the H oly Spir it in hi s lif e a nd work, the In sti tute woul d have fail ed in hi s case at the v ita l point . The study of mu sic is made a prominent f eature of the Inst itu te tra ining, so tha t men a nd women may be p repa red to t each mu sic and lead choirs, and ass ist othe rwi se in thi s impor tant department of Chri sti an work. vVhile the I nst itute mu sic course prepares students fo r t he work of the singing evangeli st, it is not intended fo r any one who simply wi shes educa ti on in mu s:c . The mu sic work of t he Institute is always mad e subord inate to the study of the B ible, and mu sic is taught only as a means of qua li fy ing one fo r more eHecti ve soul -win­ ning service. A ll lectures a nd classes a re free to regist ered students o f every creed and denominat ion. There is a nominal r egist rat ion fee o f $2 .00 a semes ter. payabl e in advance . (See page 62.) Persons not reg ularly enroll ed as stud ents, who wish to gain a better knowledge of the Bible and acquire pro fi ciency in Chri sti an work, are welcome to many of t he classes.

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