



The Denominational and Doctrinal Position of the Bible Institute

The Bible Institute does not antago nize any eYangelical denomination, but seeks to cooperate with them all. It has no purpose or thought of fo rming a new denomination . The Inst itute r ecognizes and rejo;ces in the grea t good that is being accompl ished by the churches of the cl ifferent denominat ions, and seeks to help them to do even more eff icient work. It desires and cultivates the fe llowshi p and co-operation of all the evangelical denominations and of incliYiclual believers in all the churches. \Vh;l e there is a church worshipping on the Lord's Day in the Aud itorium of the Bible Inst itute, that church is an entirely separate organi zat ion , and the I nst itute does not requ ire nor expect that stud ents coming to the Insti ­ tute will become members of that church. T he church is open to those who desi re to become members of it, but it is expected tha t the stndeuts of the Bible Instilute will be loyal to the de­ nomination to 'which they belong. T he d irecto rs and teachers of the Inst itute are chosen without rega rd to their denomina­ t ional affil iat ion, and have a lways represented a number of d ifferent denominati ons. Among those represented on the Faculty and Boa rd of D irecto rs of the Bible Inst itute of the present or the past, may be ment ioned members of the fo ll owing denominations: Method ist Episcopal, P resbyter ian. U nited P resbyteri an, Congregatonal, Luthe ran, Baptist, Ep iscopal, Chri stian, U nited E vangeli cal. However, the Inst itute does stand for a definite doct rinal statement of faith, and a ll its teachers and d irecto rs, regard less of denominational affi liat ion, are required once a year to sign the Statement of Faith. ( See next page .) All moneys cont ri bu ted to the Inst itute w;ll be held inviol­ able for the teachi ng of these truths. Fai lure to insist upon the promulgation of these t rt1ths , or the permission of teach ing contrary to this statement of belief, wou ld constitute ground for suit for the revers ion oi the money contri buted to the or iginal donors or heirs. The Statement of Faith is as fo ll ows:


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