

Ell BL E

God by angels and men. "In Him dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bod il y." A ll the words that He spoke during His earthly Ii fe were the word s of God . There is absolutely no error of any kind in them, and by the word s of J esus Christ the words of all other teachers mu st be tested . V. The Lore! Jesus became in e\·ery respect a real ma n, pos­ sessed of a ll the essential character ist ics of human nature. VI. By His death upon the cross, the I ,orcl J esus made a per­ fect atonement for sin, by whi ch the wrath of Goel agamst si nners is appeased, and a ground furni shed upon which Goel can deal in mercv with sinners. H e r edeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse in our place. He \ ,Vho Himself was absolui.ely without sin, was made to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of Goel in H im. The Lore! Jesus is coming aga in to thi s ea rth, personally, bod­ ily, and vis ibly . The r etu rn of our Lord is the blessed hope of the believer, and in it God's purposes of grace toward mankind will fi nd their consummation. VII. The Holy Spirit is a person and is possessed of all the distinctively d ivine att ributes . He is God . VIII. Man ·was created in the image of Goel, after H is li keness, but the whole human race fell in the fa ll of the fi r st Adam. A ll men, until they accept the Lord J esus as the ir personal Sav iour, a re lost, darkened in their und erstand ing, a li ena ted from the lif e of God through the ignorance that is in t hem, hardened in hea rt, morall y and spirituall y dead through their trespasses and si ns. They cannot see, nor enter the K ingdom of God until they are born aga in of the Holy Spirit. IX. Men are justified on the s imple and single ground o f the shed blood of Chri st, and upon the simple and sing le condition


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