





First Semester- General ,·iew of the Xcw Testament- the Gospels and Acts of the Apost les. the Pauline Epist les . econd Semester-The Pauline Epistle,, completed; the Genera l Ep istles and ReYe lat ion. III. Biblical Introduction In this course the simpTest facts about the Bible as a book a1·e taken up: The meaning of the name Bible, number, and divisions of the books, the hi story of the manu script s, and of our English versions. the inspiration of the books, the canon of Scripture, the geography of B ible lands, espec ially Palestine and Jerusalem, the templ e, its locati on and st ructure, the syna­ gogue and its serv ices. IV. Biblical Criticism Biblical crit ic;sm has been brought into cl isrepute among many, because of the prevalence and arrogance of destructive critici sm, but it has its proper place in any thorough stud y of the Bible, and a thorough and candi d study of Bibli cal criti­ cism never leads to destructive, but to constructive results. A careful examination is. made of the methods and arguments of the destructive criti cs, and the falsity of their conclusions. The positive argument for the Mosaic authorship of the Penta­ teuch, for Isaiah 's authorsh ip of the entire book bearing his name, and for Daniel being the author of the book of Daniel, will be full y stated . V. Christian Evidences ( 1) The proof that J esus reall y a rose from the dead. (2) The ev idence that the Bible is the \Vorel of God . Reference is made to the ev idence from the monuments, fr om prophecy, from the history of the book, from a compari son of the Bible with other books, together with a proof in personal experience that the Bible is the \ ,Vo rel of Goel. See also "Course in the History and Phil osophy of the Chri sti an Religion."


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